This week...

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    This week, just a normal all the others  living in stealth ..put up with your lot ..

    an extreme case of not want to upset anyone... get your work done. You seem okay to me


    . But its NOT . I collect my official  copies of deed poll [ uk name change] . see the GP [doctor], and get a few official letters drawn up .  - need to do this for Passport change, band change ...

    Hair appointment on Thursday evening. I love my hair getting long and curly.

    I feel really happy inside , but still nervous about this neccesary phase to declare my self as female Donna.

    . I would not be doing all this if I didnt feel it was going to be better for me and everyone who knows me. Its taken a lot of time , but only now do I feel right about expressing myself.Its become more of a pain, limitation and yes at times a lie Not to do so . 

    ..Great Timing The radio is  just playing   Georgie Girl The New seekers.[UK Radio 7.11Am] great lyrics for me at this moment . I have always loved this song . 

    Right Take a deep breath and get ready for work .

    HUgs  to all in GS .