more shakespere thoughts

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    To transistion or not to tranistion that is the question?

    I bring to my self the thoughts of doing so.

    would i really benefit from either situation.


    So in my life as a career ,i really dont have a base line to work much  off of

    I do not have much higher education(college).

    what i do know and some time do well ,is set design and decoration for the motion picture industry.

    now in this industry gender and sexual orienitation doesn,t really matter.

    Straights and gays are heavy in this bussiness.  

    But in Texas ,this career Im known as being a male and how would it effect me career wise if i transitioned  .Would I lose what client base that i did have when work did come around.


     On the other hand I am also an actor. on the screen. Now if i transition my  chances for parts in my genre of the motion picture bussiness will be almost  nill

    ,not many women get lead /co star parts in westerns or films I been offered


    Now as friendship/relation ship  wise. most folks know me as Mitchel.l   But the ones that know me also as Michelle .

    Some say they perfer Mitchell over Michelle. Cause Michelle is very opinonated .(how the cow ate the cabbage) Mitchell is not(dosel) .


    Now due to my bi genderness... Its a hardship having to deal with two differant (personalities)on a daily bassis  

    Some times as one person in body ,  wierd statemants ,ideas come out that is not in line with the gender of the body presented at the moment..

    This causes confusion to most people I live around or have friendships with.


    I have started dicussing this with my councelors .  But the ones i have that are State apppointed ,and being paid by the state mental health district Because im now un employed and cant get help on my own .Are trying to make me decide on what"binary " side to choose it either be male or female    by paying .m=My old ,me paying councel said i didnt have to .

    Now..on the sexual orientation side of the spectrum .lt wont  be much of a problem when that bridge come on down further down the road

  • Gwen Miller likes this
  • Lucy Diamond Apologies for the entirely unhelpful comment, but your job sounds really cool! xx
  • Sami Brown I am probably not the best source for an opinion, but if it were me, I would wait until I were more certain since reversing once starting down the path of transitioning would be difficult. Make sure it is what you really want. I thank you for taking...  more
  • M G If picking one side or the other is ultimately what you want, go for it. However, having a councillor suggest you need to pick one or the other doesn't seem right. If being able to express either is important to you, that's good too. You are still one person.
  • Amanda Bruce Michelle -if your councillor is "making" you decide what route to take you have the wrong councillor! His/Her job is to help you explore options, not tell you what to do, one way or the other. If you want to talk about this, PM me. Amanda.