Laser Hair Removal

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    So, I decided that after doing as much research as I could on the world wide web that I would try to minimize my beard using laser treatments. Why not electrolysis you ask? Electrolysis is a very slow process that can take years to accomplish. Lasers are quicker, less painful, in my opinion and depending on your indivdual needs may only take a few months to send all your facial hair packing. Why am I in such a big hurry? Hell, I'm older that dirt, I want this done ASAP LaughingSo I located a reputable physician that does that type of work and set up an appointment. I arrived at the appropriate time and was ushered into a room with a very comfortable looking recliner that had the aforementioned laser sitting next to it. The doctor came in introduced herself and we played 20 questions while she determined what my long term goals were how she could help me reach them. After which she explained how the laser worked and how effective it is. I had to wear the same type of gogle that you wear in a tanning booth over my eyes. Then we began the treatment itself. The best way I can describe the sensation is it feels very much like a rubber band being snapped agaist your skin all over your face where there is evidence of a beard. Certainly not painful. Well, it was a little painful around my mouth and on my upper lip. The entire treatment lasted about 5 minutes maximum. There was a slight odor of burnt hair that lasted about 24 hours. Immedately after the treatment was finished, She handed me a mirror and it look like I had just gotten a little bit of a sunburn. That went away in about an hour. We scheduled my next treatment in 4 weeks to do it all again. There is a 4 week waiting period between treatments. I can honestly say that it's been a week since the treatment and I can see and feel a difference in the amount and the density of my beard all over my face. IT'S ABSOLUTELY AMAZING!!!

    An added benefit that I hadn't considered was that the same clinic also offered laser tattoo removal!
    When I was young and stupid, I ran with a street gang in my home town of Chicago. Part of my "initiation" required that I get tattoos on my left hand and arm that identified me as a member to all the other members of the gang. The older I got,  the more I hated them. They offered to treat them for me while I was there and at very little cost. So, I was put in another room with a different type of laser and given some orange glasses to wear. The doctor came in and did the treatment which lasted about a minute for the 3 tattoos I wanted removed. there was very little pain associated with the treatment. The most amazing things as one minute they were there and right after the treatment they were GONE!!! It was the most amazing thing ever! It was like she waved a magic wand and they disappeared! She said that it might be necessary to have one more treatment to complete get rid of them. She's right, a week after I can still see a little of the tattoos and I can't wait to get rid of them completely! What a day! I am still very excited and believe that laser treatments are the way to go!

  • M G I think (and I hope) I'm starting laser soon...likely to be followed by electrolysis at some point. Can hardly wait to start.
  • kellie sugden was it very expensive? did your insurance cover some of the cost? Thanks Kellie
  • M G In my case, my first session was about 2 weeks ago. It was expensive and not covered by any insurance, but I'm very happy I've finally started : )