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    I've been wondering for a while now whether some of my motivation issues are do to being stuck in a body that's not mine. I've tried looking as much as a man as I can with this female body. But every time I go to work out to build the muscle I need I just sort of hide under the covers instead. I may not be able to change my gender right now but I can at least try building up the muscle to change my figure a bit. I'm starting to think my depression is due to this rather than anything else. Well I am taking a psych class this semester so maybe I can learn from that how to work on fixing some issues I have. 

  • Mary Grace Have you looked into swimming. It's a good body builder - shoulders and legs. If there is a YMCA near you, look over their program if they have one. Water activity is benificial -no kiddings Age doesn't matter.
  • Alex Nagle I love swimming. Though haven't had a chance to in the last few years. No YMCA here and can't afford the gyms. >_<
  • Mary Grace How about a public pool? When I lived in CA I enjoyed the neighborhood pool. How about a localo swiming hole? Possibilities!
  • Alex Nagle Got an outside one where I live. I try to use it but it's hard sometimes to find the time. No worries though I'll think of something.