Mr G

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    well i have load of stuff to say but for now will accept info how this all works, ie blogging and blah blah but for now i would really like to find another 'me' out there in this big bad world i love cross dressing as a man , makes me feel good, but its in the privacy of my home because i don't think my boss would accept me coming to work with artifical facial hair ( i cnt see that as a problem to be honest , it is what is it) so until recently i was happy with dressing as a women, acting as a women, blah blah blah women, and my man side stayed at home..... until recently where i was trying to find tutorials how to make more realistic facial hair i stumbled across actual FTM . they look like real men, have the body shape, hands chest, face , EVERY THING!!!!! now ( although only since last week) i want to be a man. i spoke to a friend, he thinks ive been brain washed . spoke to my mum and she is not surprised and says do what makes me happy. so for days and days and days and days i haven't done any thing apart from research all about being a man ( ftm ) so i can't seem to find any answers or the few emails i do send no response. So... ive found this site ( although till now is still proving useless) i fought i would share my insights and my feelings probably to be ignored any way . its ok im used to itbut just incase there is and small chance someone out there wants to feel sorry for me and would like to make conversation about this and point a friend in the right direction i would be soooo happy 


    any way dudes and dudettes im now sending my stupid story to you all to laugh, cry, respond , what ever makes ya fell happy 

  • Lucy Diamond Hi Mr G. Be patient on here, there are loads of friendly people from all over the world, we're all on different time zones and not everyone checks in every day, but many will want to help you, offer advice, or just chat. There aren't that many F2M's in...  more
  • Samual Davison no im not disappointed on here ive actually gotten more positive feed back, but actually im starting to feel like a fraud , i mean yes i want to be a man , have always wished i was or could be a man but until recently after some research that it is...  more