how it is

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    There  has  been a  few times that ive  been asked  how do I feel about my  dressing  "fem'. Well I  can tell you at the  beginning It was  a  big thril to  do it  when ever  I  could . For  me theres  always  been challenges  of trying to  be something  that I  may  or  may  not  be (A girl)  inside. It  took me  many  years  to  find who  I really am inside . I  know  I ve  had  my  moments that  all I want  to  be  is  Fem but I  know  from experince that its not as  easy  as one thinks  it is. I remember back in the old  days  of "TW"  tranny  web   that  some would  say  how  easy  it  is  and so  on . I would  later  find out how  it was  this way  for them and yea  it  is easy  if  you  have  no  family  or  friends  or anyone  but  yourself  to  come  home to. Yea its easy  when you  got a  city or  counntry that dont  care  about what you  do  as long it dont effect them . I live  in a  country that does  care somewhat of what I  do . Im not  getting down  on anyone  here its  just  how  it  is . I  learned in my  7  years  here  that beeing as  young as I am that  there  are  many  here  who are  a lot older  and  been at  it for a long time . it is thoes here  who  sometimes  made  me  feel  somewhat  un  compertable or  that I did  nt  really  belong here . I  have deep  feeling  for this site and  its  not  just about  support  from others  but about  beeing apart  of something that is  world wide .there was a  time  when i  used  to  say im  just 1/8 Cd  and  the  rest drab . Ive  grown since then  and  its  somewhat  because of the  great  friends who  I  call  "Sisters"  here . Ive  never really took the time to  say  a big   TY  to thoes  who  helped  me along the way .

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