The Road called Cancer .

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    There  comes a  time  in  our  daly lives  that  we  hear  about  Cancer and  how  it  can take  a  life .we  often hear  about   others  who  have  had  this  health problem and oftan we  hear  how  they  have  lost  there  battle  with it . Though out  my  life I  have  delt with  Family  and  relitives  who battled with  it and  lost . It is a  terrable feeling when this  deasee strikes  close  to  home  or  even in your own household. This past  month  this  has  happened  to  me as  I  found  out that  my  Mother  has  Lung  Cancer. at  first  when I  heard the  news it  was a  bitter pill  to  take for  me  because I  know  very  well what  can happen . I  spent  a  few  sleepless  nights and  spent many  days  thinking of  what  this  news  ment to  me . I am someone  who  in the  past  has  not  dated  much and  not  having someone at  yourside  to  comphort you when you  get  such  news is  hard. I ve  found that  best  way  to  deal with it  was to  do the  best  I  can in  support and  to stay informed of  what there is  to  come in ways  of  treatment or  cure. Treatments for  cancer  has  improved  a  lot  since  the  last  20  years  or  so and so  has the  rate  of  cureing it  as well.In  My  mothers  case  she  was told  of  two  tumors one  beeing the  size  of a  manderin orange the  other pea size. So far  we  are  waiting  for  results from 1  of  2  biopsy  tests  to  conferm  if  this  is  cancer  and  how  sever, all so  to  determin what is  best  to  treat  it . We  been told  that  focus  radiation will be  used  and  the  Dr  reccomends at  least 4 to  8  sessions. I  am scard  somewhat  when it  comes  to  cancer to  loseing my  mom . 3  years ago   I  lost   my  father to  lung failure but we  was  told  that  the  condition  he  had  was  not  cancerouse.  When It  comes  to  cancer I  do  not  wish this  condition on anyone  even a  worst enimey.  I  hope someday   we  can  cure  this  problem so we  dont  loose the  ones  we  love .  So  if  you  know  of someone  who  is  dealling with  ths  problem  please give  them all the  support  you  can  and  perhaps  tell them  how  much you love them  .