A Cooking Forum Question

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    • 1017 posts
    February 12, 2011 10:42 PM GMT
    Hi All,

    I'd like to pose a question to those who like the idea of this forum.

    We have already had submissions of recipes both simple and more complicated. I don't know about Joni Mari, but at this rate I'll be out of new ones in a week or two.

    Before I retired (and had the time to experiment and little money to eat out anymore) I would tell people who asked that I didn't cook, I just heated. I wonder if there are others out there who never really learned to cook and don't know where to start.

    Tonight, for instance I'm going to fix myself a pork chop with garlic toast and a side dish. There is no recipe to speak of, just how to prepare it with minimal fuss and clean up. Is anyone interested in how to do this sort of thing?

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    • 1980 posts
    February 13, 2011 2:59 PM GMT
    Hi Tammy-

    Thanks for 'fessin up and taking responsibility.<g> What you said is very true and can potentially happen to anyone who comes out. I am all in favor of honesty and disclosure and it has worked fine for me, however I had a friend whose marriage of over 30 years came to end over her being TG. And I'm so sorry to hear about your marriage coming to an end also.

    Thanks for your post, girl.

    Hugs...Joni Mari
    • 746 posts
    February 13, 2011 7:53 PM GMT
    When I first started to cook, I could burn water!

    One thing I've learned is instead of cooking up a huge meal for the first time and being unsure how it will taste, start (if you have the time) by breaking it into 5 or 6 different "experiments" or tiny/small parcels. This is especially helpful when you're dabbling with sauces, etc...just get your calculator out and reduce quantities by appropriate ratios and then give it a go...sample it, add or delete an ingredient or two and re-do...keep trying this approach until you finally get it to where you like it! Saves you lots of money in the long run and you always end up with the perfect sauce or topping, etc...oh, and DO keep a journal and log in each experiment or you'll be doomed to repeating the same mistake over and over...

    traci (end of thread for sure)
  • February 13, 2011 3:31 PM GMT
    Tip when roasting pork, chop a lemon in half and place in the roasting tray, it gets rid of that sickly smell of pork cooking. also one can add pears and apples to the veggies in the dish, sweet potato instead of your usual spuds. for a difference.
    • 746 posts
    February 15, 2011 1:22 AM GMT
    Becca...don't forget there are liquid and dry measures for "cup" too...they ARE different...sure fire way to ruin a recipe is to use a liquid measure for a dry ingredient!

    • 308 posts
    February 13, 2011 7:39 AM GMT
    Hi Joni,
    I will fess up, it was I that made that point about being discovered and well we know the rest of the story.
    But really I was speaking from the heart, or should I say experience. After going through a divorce of 20 yrs I was suddenly left out in the cold and the diner food was getting very, well greasy and yuck. With little money, this was my choice for a while. Then I had to buy a cook book and learn or I might say burn a lot of food, that started out to be a some what tasty dish.....hummmm the diner ( greasy spoon ) food did not seem so bad now. Gosh, how come those pictures looked so good, then I started to replicate the recipe, that's when the trouble began.

    But anyhow I wish there was something like this out there at that time..what am I saying, there weren't even home PC's, a body just can't win.
    Back to the point, even though I come a long way, this forum has become a very interesting and informative resource, especially interesting is the definitions from the various parts of the world. ( Linguistics )

    Now, we need an update Chrissy, about that dinner!!!!!!


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    • 1980 posts
    February 13, 2011 5:09 AM GMT
    Whar? No video? Don't tease, please. Still, in the mind's eye....

    C'mon, Crissie. True or not?

    Hugh...Joni Mari
  • February 13, 2011 3:43 AM GMT
    lmao Cassandra.
    • Moderator
    • 1980 posts
    February 13, 2011 1:14 AM GMT
    @Gracie, please do help out with any ideas or recipes or tips you may have, girl. They will be very much appreciated.

    @ Cassandra, hmm, I have put lemon peel but not lemon grass in vodka. Sounds interesting, I may have to give it a try. And I kind of assume the vodka is added to the cook and not so much to the dishes.<g>

    Hugs...Joni Mari
  • February 13, 2011 1:33 AM GMT
    Eggsactly, makes for happy cooking and your not that bothered what it turns out like or tastes..

    The story goes, I once did Crissie a Sunday dinner, it was so bad, she threw hers over the fence for next doors dog, the dog spent the ensuing days licking its bum to get rid of the taste, and now she only has to wave a plate at said mutt and it slinks away with its tail between its legs and meowing like a cat.
    • Moderator
    • 1017 posts
    February 12, 2011 11:58 PM GMT
    Hi Gracie,

    Any and all cooking experiences you can provide will be gratefully accepted.

  • February 12, 2011 11:59 PM GMT
    Always keep a bottle of vodka in the fridge,put a stick of lemon grass in it one of the best aids to cooking i know of.
    • 1195 posts
    February 12, 2011 11:53 PM GMT
    I'll gladly help.
    My first wife couldn't boil water sooo I did the majority of cooking (99%). I cooked for myself while I was batching it - about 5 or so years....I do about 50% now.
    I use cook books.
    I learned to cook Cantonese.
    I make bread - pretty good too I must say.
    So if I can help just let me know.

    PS We make our own pizza - from scratch
    • 734 posts
    February 12, 2011 11:15 PM GMT
    Well, everybody has to start somewhere! Maybe a thread titled 'Basics' could cover these sort of things? xx
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    • 1980 posts
    February 12, 2011 11:26 PM GMT
    Hi Melody and Rae-

    I think that we should include things like basic techniques. Someone else, I can't remember who, and I apologize for that, pointed out that first of all, we all have different backgrounds and skill levels as far as being in the kitchen goes. The other thing, perhaps more to the point, that she said, was that sometimes coming out (or being discovered) by a spouse can lead to being single. A sad but not real rare situation. So it's possible that some of us girls are out there on our own and need to learn how to cook for ourselves. It's fun to eat out all the time, no hassle, no cleanup, but really, who can afford to do that every meal?

    Anyway, once we get to our new site I was thinking that perhaps once a week or so we might start a thread about basic cooking and have everyone chime in with their ideas and tips and shortcuts and so on. Just a thought.

    Hugs...Joni Mari
    • 2463 posts
    February 13, 2011 5:14 PM GMT
    I would love to contribute to a cooking forum. In my case, though, it would be better if you watched what I did rather than my trying to describe it.

    Pork chops are especially good with pepper.
    • Moderator
    • 1980 posts
    February 13, 2011 5:32 PM GMT
    Hi Meredith-

    Your contributions would be great. Hmm, perhaps at some point in the future, once the new site is up and running and the transition is all done and the wrinkles smoothed out, we can maybe do some video clips to go along with the recipes and also to demonstrate various cooking techniques and so on. I don't even know if that's possible, but it certainly seems like a good idea, thanks.

    Hugs...Joni Mari
    • 746 posts
    February 15, 2011 1:25 AM GMT
    Too funny Tammy! But certainly an experience we're all too timid to admit too! I once used an egg timer to cook eggs and went and sat down and watch the TV too....blond that I was, I forgot to turn the timer over! Poor eggs! Never had a chance! (smile)

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    • 1980 posts
    February 14, 2011 9:30 PM GMT
    Thanks, Mel, that's veryy handy.

    Hugs...Joni Mari
    • Moderator
    • 1017 posts
    February 14, 2011 5:54 PM GMT
    Hi Becca,


    Hope this helps, or is at least a starting point.

    • 308 posts
    February 14, 2011 5:28 AM GMT
    LOL Traci,
    Yes, I too burned the water right out of a pot and ruined it. And who could ruin boiled eggs, yes you got it....I did. How, is interesting, and sort of funny. I started the eggs in a pot, and sat down to watch some television, then I heard this popping sound, went to the kitchen, and there were exploded egg every where. Apparently I left the water bowl out and the eggs sat there, just heating up furiously and exploded.

    Life is all about memories, some we can laugh at....Tammy
  • February 14, 2011 5:15 PM GMT
    What is a cup??? Several girls mention this measurement in their recipes, so I looked it up on Wikipedia, which was as clear as mud!! My cups vary in size, but as I only drink from them that's not a problem! Could some one please tell me what a cup is in metric or if it's as variable as indicated on Wiki. could you girls please try to be more specific!
    I'd like to try some of these recipe's but I, like many others will need a little help!
    Perhaps we could have a standard "GS' measure, as ounces/ fluid ounces are also a problem, my scales and measuring jugs are only marked in grams and ml only!
    I have four different sized tea spoons and two different sized table spoons, though I believe these should be 5ml and 15ml in real measurements.

    Any way something to discus and (hopefully) come to some agreement upon.

