Out to a Friend

    • 114 posts
    April 21, 2012 4:18 PM BST

    So, last night, I came out to a close friend. He took it quite well, and I don't foresee and major issues resulting. Although, time will tell.


    He is a good friend to both my wife and to me, and he is often over to our house.  I spend almost all of my time in some form of female clothing when I am home, as I prefer to live as a woman at home.  Usually, it's jeans and a top, but it's definitely female, and it sends me scurrying to cover up or change whenever he comes over.  I am tired of that scramble.


    So, after discussing it with my wife, we both agreed that he probably would respond positively, and it was worth a shot at telling him in order to allow me to be comfortable in my own home and in my yard (I live in the country).


    I don't ever mince a lot of words, especially when I am nervous about somethng.  Being straight forward has always seemed to work the best for me - like ripping the band-aid from the wound quickly instead of peeling it off slowly.  I was scared, but while we were dealing with a task, I told him I needed to tell him something that was going to shake up his reality.  He was taken aback a bit, but said, okay.  So, I asked him if he'd ever had a friend who was transgendered.  He said, no.  I then told him I was transgendered - that I really wanted to be female.


    After the shock and immediate discomfort wore off, he told me was honored and actually cried over the fact that I had confided in him.  He assured me that we were friends, and he accepted me as who I was.  He did ask me to break him in slowly and not show up in full female kit right off the bat.  He had a lot of questions, and he will have more.  I assured him that he can ask all the questions he wants to ask.  I will try to answer them all; but, if I don't want to talk about something, I simplly will tell him so and expect him to respect that privacy.  He was totally cool with that.


    So, the next couple of weeks will tell the real story, I'm sure.  But, I am confident he is okay with it, and it's one more area of my life where I can relax a bit more as Jessi.

    • Moderator
    • 65 posts
    April 22, 2012 8:52 PM BST

    Aw, Jessie i am so happy to her this. it always makes your life so much easier when you confide in a friend and the response is good. i told my best friend of 30 years who i truly was and he accepted me without question. life is full of wonderful surprises. here's to the future and great friends xxxx

    This post was edited by Faye Morrow at April 22, 2012 8:58 PM BST
    • 114 posts
    April 24, 2012 2:38 AM BST
    Thank you, Faye.

    Our friend came over yesterday, and I was in cropped pants and flip-flops, but I don't think he even noticed as I was busy on the computer and didn't get up.

    But, today, he came by, and I was in cut-offs and a female tank top. Very hard to miss the tank and the shaved legs. He asked me if this was a normal "outfit," and I told it pretty much was. I like to be comfortable...not dress like June Cleaver all the time when I am home.

    He was totally cool with it, which was very comforting.
    • 95 posts
    April 25, 2012 4:40 PM BST
    Congratulations Jessi! Sounds like very positive steps are going on. You dress like me at home too. It is great not to have to hide. I remember doing the run everytime the door knocked. It gets old fast. I'm so happy you can be you without all that now. xxx Jessica
    • 95 posts
    July 9, 2012 11:38 PM BST
    I am happy it all worked out for you Jessi. I am now faced with having to come out to an old friend. He has been a friend of mine for over 40 years and is moving back to our hometown, about 20 miles from where I now live. He has come back "home" for the last 3 or 4 years for a few eeeks, but now it will be permanent! I'm not so sure I am ready to tell anyone close to me, I'm terrified. But I will almost certainly have to (which means coming out to all my friends). I am thinking of ways to phrase it as well where to tell him - someplace where he can make a quick exit (or I can). I'd be crushed if he can't handle it and I don't see him anymore. He seems to be very "right" politically, so am am REALLY not so sure. "AAAAAAAh......." He'll be here in about 3 weeks!!!
  • July 2, 2013 3:05 PM BST

    Every time I get comfortable and think I have this crazy life in control I realize I am not. My family all know but I have so many friends that don't. Your courage is inspiring.

    • 95 posts
    October 5, 2013 2:10 PM BST


    I DID come out to that friined, actually he has been a house guest siince last Feb! Anyway, I am going to "break him in"as well, as you did. Little bits of women's clothing, not to frilly, bit of fragrance. I guess you have to judge for yourself when "full kit" is approprpriate time??


    -Robin xxx