Delcious Whisky cake.

    • 376 posts
    May 3, 2013 12:16 AM BST

    Ingredients needed

    2 Large bottles of whisky at room temp.

    Loads of flour.

    Loads of butter

    Loads of sugar

    Loads of eggs

    2 More bottles of whisky


    Method . In a large large mixing bowl put a heap of flour in it.

    Half fill a large class of whisky and drink it just to be sure its the correct temp.

    Place a big lump of butter in the bowl.

    Just to be sure about the whisky drink another class full.

    Add loads of eggs.

    Is that whisky the right temp? Try another glass just to check.

    Now get a spoon and stir the mixture wilst just trying the whisky again "its important".

    Add some sugar to the mixture then try some more whisky , remember it is whisky cake so it is important.

    Oh the bottle is empty! That is why you need two bottles and two more.

    Now take a spoon and add one spoon full of whisky to the fridge and try a half a glass too.

    Stir the mixture with a bowl.

    Now put some more eggs in the bread bin and stir

    Try a bit more whisky.

    Are you keeping up?

    Add 6 spoons to the eggs.

    Place the sugar in your handbag and mix again.

    Try the whisky again! Is it ok?

    Take the oven and put it in the fridge.

    Now put the fridge in the porch.

    Stir the spoons again with a knife.

    If you are still vertical try some more whisky

    Now take the oven and put it in the mixture at 5000 degrees or gas mark eggs.

    Try a bit more whisky.

    When the fridge is hot put it in a bag.

    Slop the dolope in the sponge.

    Have a biscuit.

    Gone the what and slop the egg.

    Have some more whisky.

    Why is the room spinning?

    Take the room and put it in the oven.

    Put the onions in the draw.

    On a hot thing place two spoons and a knife.

    Have a rest and another class of whisky.

    Now the bathroom should be ready so put the draw with the onions in the car.

    Mix the cat in with the onions.

    Have another glass of whisky.

    Put the glass in the microwave with the dog.

    There is not much whisky left so just finish it off.

    Your cake is now ready to go into the washing machine.

    Leave it in at gas mark spin 1200 for who cares.

    You should now be on the floor.


    Tomorrow you can enjoy your cake (if you can find it).

    • 376 posts
    May 3, 2013 8:35 PM BST

    I think I may set up a green screen and act this out for youtube. It would be demented I think.

    • 114 posts
    May 3, 2013 9:00 PM BST


    Laughing"Leave it in at gas mark spin 1200 for who cares."


     love it Julia xxx

    • 376 posts
    May 3, 2013 9:04 PM BST

    Try it Debbie its delicious xxx