Question 14

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    August 18, 2013 4:57 AM BST

    Here is the the next trans question challenge from the questionaire.


    14) What are some of your passing tips or things you do to pass?



    Passing comes pretty well for me. I have large breasts, so I have attempted on occasion to bind, but the preasure causes my anxiety to get bad. So due to that I can't bind for more than a few hours at a time and it still only reduces me to a C. Even that way it is still obvious. Before T though I often had women confronting me about using the wrong bathroom or they would double check the sign to make sure they are in the right bathroom. I waited to use the male restroom untill I had my gender marker changed on my drivers licence in case I was confronted since where I live I could get 2 years of probation. Testosterone has made me able to pass more since my voice has deepen and I have slight facial hair. The facial hair isn't very noticable, but it has become very rare for people to question my gender or use the wrong pronouns. Learning to stand to pee i think is a great way to start passing. When you use the bathroom and ppl are wondering your gender and you go use a urinal that ends their questions to what your gender is. Binding is helpful for people with smaller breasts, but those like me top surgery is the only way to really go with that problem. If you wear tight clothing such as shorts and jeans you may want to pack I wear loose clothing, so for me this isn't an issue. For those pre T I suggest you shave your face because men don't have peach fuz. Cutting your hair short helps for passing and body language. I've met a lot of trans men and one thing that really gives them away to me is their body language when they talk. Men are less animated when they talk.


    This is all I have feel free to give your tips of comments about the topic.

  • August 18, 2013 9:46 PM BST

    For M2F's it is very different, here are some of my suggestions:

    1. Facial hair:
    Get rid of it by electrolysis or laser before you start your transition - living full time can be a nightmare if you have to leave patches of facial hair to grow for electrolysis or laser treatments - and if you have dark hair, the five o'clock shadow can be a killer.
    2. Voice:
    Many transwomen can pass completely - until they open their mouths.  So get some voice therapy, there are many tutorials on youtube and for a very small outlay (around $20) you can buy the excellent voice tutorials from Melanie Ann Phillips.  If your voice is feminised, it can allow you to pass even if you do not have the most feminine of body shape or features.
    3. Walking:
    Learn to take much smaller steps, women do not stride (especially in heels)
    4. Toilet:
    Never, ever, ever stand to pee.  Not only is the sound wrong, you will also probably soil the seat - or even worse if you lift the seat up to prevent this, you forget to put it down afterwards.  Also remember to use paper, women have to blot themselves to clean up afterwards and if somebody in the next cubicle doesn't hear the paper being used, that again is a dead give away.
    5. Talk with your hands:
    Women talk with their hands as well as their voice, they use the hands to describe movements, shapes, feelings - don't be afraid of using your hands to describe visually what you are saying.

    Last of all, enjoy yourself and walk with your head held high

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    August 23, 2013 9:22 PM BST

    Thanks for your imput Carol. I found your tips very interesting. I find it interesting how women are so much more observant all the way to if someone used toilet paper or not.

  • August 23, 2013 10:38 PM BST

    It's not so much the sound of the toilet roll being unwound and torn off Jasper - you simply expect that - it would be the lack of that happening that would sound an alarm in your head if you see what I mean.

    This post was edited by Former Member at August 23, 2013 10:38 PM BST
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    August 23, 2013 10:43 PM BST

    I do see what you mean, but thats still a lot of attention I think for people to pay. It really is a different environment in the womens and mens bathroom.