Book Review: 7 Secrets of Successful Crossdresser

    • 35 posts
    October 2, 2014 4:38 AM BST
    I have been reading a number of books about transgender issues. Of these, one of the best is this book by Lacey Leigh.

    Unlike many of us who take our time becoming public, Lacey was thrust into the public by being outted on the Internet by someone who wasn't pleased with his hidden lifestyle. As a well known and popular speaker, she was astounded by the overwhelming support she received. Thus, she found very quickly that most of the crossdresser's problem is in her own head, not with the general public.

    Several points that I feel are helpful are:

    1. If you treat your feminine role and others with respect while in public, most people will at least tolerate you, and some will even like you.

    2. When you feel confident while out, you will draw less negative attention than when you are not. A lot of this has to do with having confident body language.

    3. Don't let the bad behavior of others take you down. Just because someone is ignorant doesn't mean you have to question yourself. The ignorant are the ones with the problem, not you.

    Last weekend I decided to be more courageous by wearing more feminine nail polish in public, and the experience was positive. The experience was definitely outside my comfort zone. I am sure I would not have had the courage if not for this book and some of the recent examples of coming out detailed by others on this wonderful site.

    Love, Sami
    • 1652 posts
    October 2, 2014 5:19 PM BST
    3 points well made. Totally agree.