4.52 Seconds! A New Record!

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    I am pleased to report that this site has just been transferred to its new home (its production server) which is much faster than the development server we were using.  I just did a GT Metrix test on our front page load time and was pleased to see it come in at under 5 seconds (4.52s to be precise) and that's before we have made any changes and tweaks on the server and in the software.  I would hope that we will be able to improve on this too.

    Ivan, the developer, is about to start work on migrating our old data across to the new site.  Tony and John, our community managers and Alex, the server administrator, are all pulling together to get this site up and running.  Finally, after months of work and waiting for the software modules to arrive, it seems like things are happening.

    There are still a number of features to be installed over the next week or so.  So please look out for the new stuff and when you see it, please do try it out and test it, then let me know what you think.

    And you know that whenever we install anything new, there are usually some bugs to be found so please do look out for those too.

    Thanks and huggies, Katie   x

  • Nikki M and wendy larsen like this
  • Joni Mari Cruz Definitely faster, Katie
  • Susan James I went from here to the home page, and can confirm it was no more than 5secs, currently using FF3.6.12 on a Windows 7 64bit OS with 4Gb RAM on 8Mb BB. (actually it's giving me just under 6Mb down and just under 400Kbps up). So not bad at all.
  • Susan James Just upgraded FF to 4.0. Pages now loading in under two seconds - like WOW!
  • Susan James And adding a comment was to quick to time.