Why should I blog ? I am grateful

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    in the last x years I have read a  fair few blogs [Probably like a lot of you ] , and constantly surprised by the way the Internet media is allowing us to see and share our lives . Currently I am in a bit of a reflective phase ...as i see myself changing for the better and feeling more balanced , but also seeing that this means changes for other people.What encourages me is that the more I make the moves to transition the more able I am to appreciate the people around me and "function" better.

    Some of the changes may naturally mean things coming to a head or a decision to be made, so i am preparing myself  


    Overall I am reassured by a lot of what I have picked up from this site and also by seeing a Transgender Counsellor . I am grateful for this , as it has allowed me to move from  that strange  awkward self doubting existence  based on expectations I now percieve as the past .

    I got a letter from GID CX in UK after seeing local GP and local Psych[5-6months]..so things are moving on the official front, ... Many things still to learn, but not daunted :-)