What's going on

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    Things went extremely wrong over the weekend.  My weekend actually started off quite well.  I had that procedure in the hospital, and can breathe again.  I still have a cough from time to time and need to speak to the doctor about the biopsy results.  I saw my daughter for lunch on Saturday, and even bought my wife a gift for Mother's Day.

    I also took the time to go out by myself for a while.  Twice.  Aparently that's not allowed.  I'm 43.  I don't have to explain anything.

    The bottom line is I had a HUGE fight with my dad and I wound up leaving the house (this is not the first time something like this has happened).  I had nowhere to go.  I grabbed as much of my female clothes as I could.  Also, in an extreme rage, I took this little pocket radio and shattered it on the kitchen floor, telling my dad - and I quote - to stick it up your bloody arse.  I was that furious.

    I went to the train station.  I first got as far as one of the local schools where I sat down and cried.  I then made it to the train station where I then called Karen Brad, then Jen Jen.  I wound up living out of a motel room for two days.  Jen Jen came by twice.  The fun part was that she bought me all this new makeup and got me all dolled up.  I loved it so much that I didn't bother taking it off at bedtime.

    I am back at the house and things are calm for the moment.  But I can't stay there anymore.  The thing is, this whole experience took a huge bite out of my already dwindling bank account.  On top of it all, my wife needed money and I gave her some.  Then, to make matters even better for me, I lost my credit card.  Lovely.

    I'm supposed to be taking my former student and her friend to dinner soon.  Great.  I hope they like McDonald's.  These are the gorgeous girls who are doing the illustrations for the children's book I wrote.  Maybe I just want to be seen in public with two hot women like that.

    There was a lot of fun things I could have discussed, like my little trips out, or the new clothes I bought.  Right now it's repairing everything.

    Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse.  They did.