Ik ben een lerares

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    Is my life getting really interesting these days?  That is an understatement…….


    First of all, girls, if there is anything you can do to help Karen Brad, please do so.


    Yesterday my sister and her hubby came by.  They’re going back to Utah in a few days.  They both know about me.  My sister helped me get all dolled up.  I have to say this – I LOOKED SO CUTE!!!  Some of my eyeliner was still on this morning when I went to work.  My friend Carla (that Mabelline model) said she loved my eyes.  Unfortunately, I did not have a camera available for piccies.


    I was in the coal mine officially today for the first time.  It was nice to get away from the Zephyr.  I got several rounds of applause when I finished the sessions.  Each session is a half hour.  That’s a lot of material to know.  I also get to operate mining equipment (VERY dangerous for a psycho ninja), as well as take them on a “man-trip,” this very short underground train ride.  I love driving that thing!


    WHY IS IT THAT WHEN I AM ON THE ZEPHYR SOMEONE FEELS THE NEED TO, SHALL WE SAY, “PERFUME” THE TRAIN COMPARTMENTS???????  The other day someone cracked one so bad I had to open the passenger doors early just to air out the place.


    Lots more is happening, and, to be honest, it is making me rethink quite a few things. And not for the worse, either.  Time will tell.


    Take care, all

