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    I just took a huge step today.  I made an appointment with a gender clinic in Chicago.  My endo wanted me to do this, and since I see him in a few weeks, I think I better get this started.

    This means I have to do a few things concerning my immediate life.  Someone might wind up very hurt.

    But I am so excited.  I see them in two weeks, just before I see the endo.  Finally.

    The museum is still going great.  Lots of funny stories.  Including how I wanted to murder an obnoxious 12 year old boy.  It is not a good idea to irritate a coal miner who is not only overtired but in desperate need of coffee, all while holding a pick axe.

    There is a part of the coal mine session called the man-trip, a short train ride.  When they grease the tracks we cannot get that bloody thing to stop.  We're supposed to stop at the roof bolting operation, and two weeks ago every single one of us slid the man-trip right by it! It was hilarious.

    So, one step closer now to HRT.