Recent Entries

  • Maybe I am somebody

    Girls, bear with me a moment I had a horrible week.  Yesterday (Saturday) was nothing but terrible. I was so down and out, thinking everything was over.  But you came to my rescue.  Or, maybe I helped rescue myself. I spoke to two of you. I called Tressa, like I usually do. She, as ...
  • Thanks, but there's more

    Girls, thanks so much for your words of support.  But you should know that I haven't been myself for quite a while now. I've let so many frustrations and heartaches get the best of me.  I've been saying and doing things that I shouldn't. I have acted like an idiot more times than I care to...
  • Or would you take me home

    Please....I am not looking for compliments I think that one school is messed up and I won't be there. Yet, the other one had an emergency and, as usual, asked me to bail them out. So why did I act the fool tonight. The problems here aren't all my fault.  Yet, well, we'll get past it. Al...
  • Still playing waiting game

    I went and applied for that job in the UK today. I really don't think I'll get an interview.  And not because I don't think I'm qualified. I'm actually seeing it from the school's point of view - how expensive will this be to not just interview, but to move me out there? Still, the thought...
  • This dream is driving me insane

    Girls, again I apologize for starting off morning threads with a downer note. Tiina, thank you for what you wrote there - you all did cheer me up. But I also think it's high time I stop being self-centered and concentrate on the real issues. Okay, so I received two bad letters. I'll get over it and ...
  • And hold on to the dream

    Just when I was doing better, I received a rejection letter. I really thought they were going to talk to me. I was so upset. I felt like such a failure. But when I dropped my daughter off for a playdate I started to come around a little.  She hasn't seen this other little girl since going to a ...
  • Change in plans, and maybe for the better

    I am dead tired. My wife had to do a one day trip downstate to complete this training required for her job. I essentially got up at 4:30 a.m. to make her breakfast and send her on her way. She rode down there with that idiot she works with but has to take Amtrak home. We'll pick her up at the s...
  • Decisions, despair and delight

    As I wrote in the forum, I am contemplating coming out completely as being TG. It will have to be slow, for there is so much to consider, yet I feel the need to do it.  It will be gradual.  I will probably tell my mom first.  My best (male) friend knows and is supportive. And he's a p...
  • My lovely day

    Today I had to go in for jury duty. About 100 people were there, and not one of us was called in to be on a panel!  NOT ONE!!!!!  What a waste of time!  I actually wanted to get on a panel, and then get chosen for a trial, just to see what it was like.  The real bad part of it wa...
  • Meredith the Psycho

    Some of you wondered about the steak knife incident.  Okay, here it is: One Sunday night my wife wasn't feeling well so I served her dinner in bed. I made a nice little steak dinner. When I was bringing the plates downstairs one of the steak knives fell onto the floor. Just as it hit the floor...