Recent Entries

  • Tidbits

    I started watching Men In Black lastnight. When the name Rip Torn came up. If thats not just a stage name someone should have slapped his parents. I kept thinking of those old Beverly Hillbillys shows Elli was dating an actor they called Dash Riprock, or the Flintstones everybodys name is a type of ...
  • A very bad day & night for me. It's been awhile since I've had any real trouble with my ostomy. Yesterday I had it come lose 3 times & when I woke up this morning it was just hanging on. There was no mess just a lot of panic that there would be. I am so ready to get rid of this thing. I have...
  • Getting Closer

    2 more weeks & I get this stuff off me. Having a hard time finding someone to take me to the hospital. Everyones to busy.I boxed up all my girly stuff except for my gowns. I've been sleeping in them for so long it didn't seem right to hide them. I will be getting out the other stuff after I get ...
  • Thinking At 6am

    It's early 6am. I found out coffee does taste better if you clean out the coffee maker. I'll have to do that again sometimeBitch Time!!!  One of my neighbors asked if I signed for a package for a girl that has moved out. I told him no. He said she called fedex & they told her it was signed in my...
  • Lucky Ladie

    Twice while my sister was having minor surgery have they found first stage cancer.I got a call late last night from my brother in-law letting me know everything was fine. Than he told me about the cancer. The doctors said no other treatment will be needed. They are going to have another look at her ...
  • 30 Days

    That's how long untill my surgery. It's going to be very tight $ wise.I had enough time at work to put up what I needed but on Sat I got hit in the stomach. Someone took the bolts out of a guard & didn't put them back in right. I was setting up a cell when I pulled back on it to get it in place....
  • I was Just Angry

    When I made that last post I was very angry. I acted with out thought. It was stupid but I can get that way at times.Everything that is Karen is boxed up & put away & will stay that way. I can't realy dress untill after I get out of hospital anyway. I have time to think about it for now. The...
  • Good Bye

    It's been awhile since coming here has made me feel good. I do love a lot of you girls & will miss you. But I don't feel a part of this anymore. Mostly it's just me. I haven't felt right for awhile now. I'm boxing up everything Karen & putting it away.Being TG doesn't feel good anymore. I ha...
  • My Thoughts

    I've beel looking around my place. It's been taken over by my med supplies. There all over the bathroom & a 1/4 of my bedroom. It'll be nice to get rid of them. I realy won't miss them.When they did the first operation they did a bi-opsy on my liver. But lost the results so I have to have it don...
  • Good Things_Dumb Things_I do Both

    Lets start with the good. At least I think it is.  Julie didn't walk off because of my legs. It's because of everything going on right now. I do have a lot of baggage. I'm not sure I'd want to start a relationship with all that I've got going on if I were her. In fact I know I wouldn't. When I was g...