Recent Entries

  • Not Wanting to Be Karen Right Now

    I had talked about Julie before. The girl that lives upstairs.We have been getting along pretty good. We hadn't gotten around to sex or realy evan close yet still just getting to know each other. Yesterday was warm & sunny. I went out to sit on the porch & Julie came down to join me. She poi...
  • Short One

    I just want to bitch about being off work so much. I mean once & awhiles great but not so much as this. I went & saw the doctor again yesterday & he pulled me out foe another week. The problem is I have a chest infection & he's worried that it may run down & infect my wound. I kn...
  • Making Friends

    Since I've been here I've met some very good people. Mere, Anna, Tiina, Gloria. It's a long list realy so if your one of the few dozen I left out don't take it bad, Please. Yesterday I got to meet Mariette. I've heard Mere talk of her as one of the first friends she made here. That she would contact...
  • Finely got to see a doc about this cough. Had to find a new one as mine kept putting off my appointments. I was hoping for a woman but got a real young guy. I think he'd make a nice looking tranny.  What with this other stuff going on he said we have to stop the cough now. To do that he put me on st...
  • Lastnight was the first time in about 2 yrs I slept in drab.My apartment is basicly 2 rooms with a small kitchen & bath. If I had a bigger place I wouldn't realy mind my nephew being here. He feels bad about this to it's not what he intended. Turns out his sister invited him to come back here. H...
  • Good Bye to Karen, For Now

    Since my nephew has nowhere else to go I have to let him come stay here. When I was told yeterday I was very angry about it. But after talking with my sisters I can see it's the on;y place he can go for now. I can't leave him on the street, I've been there, it's hard. So when I got home from work la...
  • What To Do?

    My nephew is up from Fla. With no job & no place to call home realy. For now he's staying with his sister but she lives in the middle of nowhere. So the job hunt will not pan out. The only other place he can call is here as I live in the metro area. But I don't want him here. He's over 6 foot &a...
  • Yucky Cold

    I came down with a cold a couple days ago. It's kicking my ass. My nose is just pouring like water & won't stop. I bet I've blown it 50 times untill it's sore as hell. I bought 3 different cold meds. Hope they work! I've been the only tech at work all week. It went pretty easy untill Thur. Then...
  • Just Thinking

    Talked to Mere lastnight about Brandy Rose. Mere asked if I could send a note letting her know we are here in support. So I went to members search & typed in her name & nothing came up. Brandy Rose is not her user name the same as Karen Brad isn't mine. To find me you have to put in katty24....
  • Moving Forward?

    For some reason this thing I have keeps starting to bleed. Not much nothing to panick over health wise. But plenty to worry about my skirts & dresses. If I would have gotten any blood on them my friends in the UK would have heard my screams. I have come to the decision that when this stuff is ...