Recent Entries

  • The Weekend Off

    It might have only been a 4 day work week but it felt longer. Lot of problems & long hours. Tues, electrical rewired sensors on 3 different robots...Wed, started a new part never run before. I was told before we set it up that the programming was complete. WRONG!! So I went to the office & ...
  • Back To My Old Self

    I've just spent 4 days being Karen 100% of the time. Not so much in the way I dressed as it runs much deeper than that. I did spend a lot of time in my new skirts. I also spent time in sweats & t-shirts but as Karen. Now I go back to work tomorrow & the mask goes back up. Karen is who I re...
  • Answer to dumb riddle

    I love country music
  • Short One

    Well it's the weekend. I have a lot of new makeup & 3 new skirts. I also have a lot of cleaning to do. They sort of go together, don't they.LOL
  • Taking Care

    Over the past few days I've been going to the dentest. I broke a crown (my front tooth). When I found out how much it would cost for just that one tooth I went into shock. After talking it over we decided to pull a couple others & go with a partial. Mistake!! It feels like I have a mouth full of...
  • Am I Realy a TS

    I hate to say this but now I have to wonder if I realy do fit the mold for being a TS. SInce making  the statement that I am a TS I can't stop thinking about it. First I'm not willing to give up the life I have now to change it. But I hate being a man.  If I'm not willing to do what it ta...
  • I Know For Sure

    After much thought & racking my brain I read something that hit me. I don't have to change who I am. Just be who I am. Simple isn't it. Where I go from here I don't know. Not sure I can turn my life upside down. I may do nothing just live with the fact.  It realy is what I've been, not be...
  • I Feel Spent

    I wasn't going to write but I've had a realy crappy week. As I heal the shape of where I attach my little thing is changing. Making it hard to keep it on. I only worked 1 day because of it. I get so angry at it all I can do at times is cry. I broke my front tooth. It was a cap I've had for a long ...
  • ????

    I am full of questions about myself. I have allways dressed up to help me feel more like a woman before. Now all I need is a little makeup & I'm good to go. I do still dress when I want to look the part. But to think of myself as a woman I no longer need to dress. I wonder if I ever needed to....
  • Wheres My Mind at Lately

    Over the past few days I've done somethings that are not realy me. It seems I'll be doing one thing but thinking about something different. With the outcome being not to good. Packed my wound & taped it all on upside down....Washed my phone in the laundry....Said yes to work this weekend when I...