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    For some reason (I'll work on it) I'm bothered by something in my horoscope this morning. It said I had to be "comfortable in my skin." That can be "heavey" - am I comfortable in my skin? Am I happy with what I'm doing - not really. I feel as if I'm treading water or waiting for something to happen.....like waiting for Christmas morning when I was a tot. The scope said I should have a plan before I jump into the rest of my life. A plan.... that's a tough one. It took me a lifetime to finally recognize that I'm an artist. The discouragement I received when I was a teen lingers on....why? I'm a crossdresser and I'm very comfortable as Mary Grace....why? In many respects I see that I'm more feminin than some born females. Are we (the transgendered) keeping femininity alive?  Think about thinking.