golly gee

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    Wow! I made the top twenty blogs.....that success will be fleeting. That's a negative thought - I'm trying to be positive in all my thinking.  That's tough. It's so easy to pick up on the negative. I read somewhere that the "flip-flop" of thinking negative in part of my AngloSaxon heritige. For example: It's a beautiful day today but, it will probably be bad tomorrow. In some respects I accept that belief but then again its accepting predestination. I don't accept predestination because it negates free will or our power to make decisions.

    I was reading the thread about "global warming" - I think the thread went down the tube when it gave the impression that all that is forcast will happen in our life time. From all the information I've read the events will start 50 or more years from now. The socalled scientist have finally figured out that weather is cyclical - all weather, not just the seasons. To recap what I've read:

    1. Weather, globally, is in a long term cycle. Warming, just as an Ice Age are part of the cycle.

    2. The last effects of the last ice age are within recorded history, as we know it. Currently (the last 1000 years) earth has been in the "in between" period.

    3. We are heading for the Warmest part of the cycle. Thus "global warming" - no big deal. We or rather I won't be around to see it, not in this life time. Maybe when I come back as that gorgious, fabulously rich bitch I might see more of it, but not now.

    4. The media, thrill seekers, are making a big deal over something they don't understand or probably don't want to understand. For another example "There's a meteor out there which may hit the earth." To me that's like I may hit the lottery tomorrow.  As we used to say "eh!"

    Now, I ask myself, why didn't I put that into the thread? Cause I'm chicken I guess. But, since I've managed to hit the "top twenty" bloggers, maybe I should start thinking about puting my responses in the forums - or maybe not...I might lose my top twenty status.