It's Friday - again

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    Well Toto it's Friday again. Have we had a good week? Writing in the second or third person is strange - surreal but sometimes it's fun.

    My week has been good. I've been doing water arobics in a heated pool - the Arthritis Foundation has trained instructors. It works; my back injury becomes more tolerable. Do that three times a week for one hours each time.

    I get to teach art tomorrow morning - that'll be fun. I'll make it fun (the little darlings)- kids(meaning children) have more capacity for fun and imagination than adults. The kids haven't been told "you can't do that." Adults on the other hand worry about "suppose I do it wrong." I've tried to tell them that there's no right or wrong when it comes to art or making art.

    I'm off on a tangent.
    I'm off to another water arobics class - maybe it will help me lose twenty pounds so I can be a size 16.
    My wife says I live in a fantasy world (sometimes) and I tell her it's so much more fun to fantasize.

    My mantra is "If it ain't fun don't do it."