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    just wondering if anybody have heard of any voice impaired trans genders.

    doc told me if i was lucky i migght have some voice left

    after my cancer surgery of the thyroid, partual voice box and most of my neck and lymphnoids of  my throat

    be side all of this i lost most of the muscle that contect the right shouilder with my neck muscles.

    this all added up to a stage 3 cancer .

    as of right now why voice is hardly audiable to others in normal situations

    amplication is now being used at home and famlies , but the thing is at work

    wondering if i should learn ASL  caus e i work in a distirubtion center where  it is loud and noisey

    even with the amp i know that no one could hear me  if i was in case to get in trouble there at work

    so far bw side the operation in have gone 8 weeks of exterior radiation bombardment therapy.

    i hope i dont have to do chemo(fingures crossed) .

    any wat that is my blog for this season i hope