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    A step in the right direction

    Virtually every day at work it seems to get to a certain time in the morning when there is a quiet lull, my mind becomes free to think about the more meaningful things in my life, and I have an overwhelming desire to chat with my girlfriends. It's probably a good job I'm not online here; I'd never get any work done, and it would only be a matter of time before I got into trouble. Anyway I'm sure it goes without saying that I'd rather be talking to all you lovely people than doing my boring job. So here I am. If I can't talk to you I'll just have to talk to myself and you can read it later. As long as you all know that I'm thinking about you, because you all mean a lot to me.

    I must share with you a little gem that Christina told me about; Additions Direct, formerly owned by Argos, recently bought out by Asda. Of course the corporate politics are irrelevant, what matters is the fact that they sell ladies' shoes in larger sizes, up to a 10. What's more they are very reasonably priced. I've felt a little frustrated trying to buy shoes online; I've found some stores that sell larger sizes for women but usually it's all mules and sandals, and nothing elegant. Specialist tranny shoe stores always seem to concentrate more on what I'd call fetish wear, and if you want heels, then it usually means, serious heels! Always irritated me that, don't they realise that most of us are tall enough already thank-you very much. And I can't be the only one who wants something a little more dainty than dominatrix thigh-length pvc boots with heels that you could cook a shish kebab on. So until last night I've never really enjoyed shoe shopping, in fact I was worried that this was a most unfeminine trait as surely ALL women love shopping for shoes. But I'd simply never found the right shop and now realise that I love it just as much as any other woman. In fact I ordered 3 pairs, all with dainty heels about 2 inches, just enough to give you "that walk" but not so big it makes you taller than all the men in the room. I know lots of trannies think the bigger and more outrageous the better, but I'm not a tranny, I'm a woman, and tranny-wear has no appeal to me, and not only because it's always over-priced. All the shoes I've ordered were under £20, and this is £30 less than the ones I wear at the moment, which are rather boring and not made particularly well. They sell clothes too at Additions Direct, nice stuff and well-priced again, so I also ordered a short dress for £12. A great site for the likes of me, thanks Christina - you're a star. I know I should be watching what I spend but a girl's gotta have shoes. Girls, shoes and credit cards are inextricably linked.

    I've been reminded some more of what I was up to after Trans-mission on Saturday, um, thanks for that Mandy. It's all coming back to me now. Ohmigod. Actually no, it was all lovely, I've probably never been so happy, hence my er, outgoing behaviour. Perhaps I should watch my vodka intake the next time, or maybe not. I still want to have fun, but it would be nice to be able to remember it a bit more clearly!