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    Diamond on gold again

    Cerys you’re a cynic. Had my card not been due for renewal I would have been suspicious…

    Shan, yes I had contacted Katie to inform her of this strange occurrence, and she responded quickly, efficiently and courteously by reinstating my gold membership. Unlike PayPal who responded to my last letter by sending me the same standard email response they’d sent me when I first contacted them. What is wrong with these people?! I will be writing back to them to point out the error of their ways. No doubt they’ll direct me to the nearest call centre, probably the nearest one in Pakistan actually. "ThankyouforcallingPayPalmyname’sChandrikahowcanIhelpyouplease?" Except that would probably be the Sheffield call centre; at the Pakistani and Indian call centres the staff are told to use an English sounding name, as we Brit's cannot possibly take in names more complicated than Jane and Susan. Of course this isn't a problem for the Asian staff who are happy to oblige in return for their generous wage of 3 rupees a year.

    I wrote back to Katie and thanked her profusely, she is after all on the other side of the world at the moment. I hope all you girls realise how hard she works to keep this thing going and that she really does care about us all. I told her I was proud to be part of this site, hosted by someone so wonderful and considerate, I hope you all are too.

    Right, now I have some Full Members’ forums to catch up on…