i've finally cracked it!

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    At long last,something i have been wanting to do for so long i have finally achieved..going out "en-femme" during the day.I just cannot describe the feelings i'm getting right now.First,i had a parcel to drop off in the post office...that was fun standing in the queue waiting to be served,whilst giving everyone an opportunity to take a good look..but no-one did so i smiled to myself knowing that was one part out of the way.Then, i took a walk up the high st,which was packed with people..GOD it felt sooo good just being able to be me.I walked through our local market for a look round..that was packed....once again nobody looked...or if they did they did'nt let on that they'd seen me.purchased a few lippy's off my usual stall...they did'nt bat an eyelid.As i'm writing now, i'm sat at one of the library PC's typing away..in a white blouse,back skirt and heels,pink jacket...oh hell this feels good!! It's something i just cannot describe..the feelinbgs i'm getting.This was like the last big test for me cos i'd been out dressed,into shops and the like,been seen by people.Now i've been out dressed during the day-time when people can see and have a good look at me....and i have passed with flying colours.It just feels soooooo good,i just had to share it all with you...my lovely sisters on TW.This has stood me in good stead cos next year(don't know when)..i'm aiming to go "full time"(dressing 24/7).I am planning on going to see my GP "en-femme" too which will be so much fun.It's funny that i've come so far this year....met chris in march..JJ ,fay and nena in april...My first TM's in august...yet another party in november.At the start of the year i never dreamed that i could....and have achieved so much...but i have.This really has been my year and i'm just so glad that i've been able to share all of this with you.you really are the best friends a girl could wish for....i love you all so much xxxxxxxxx