Simply Purgeous

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    At the end of my local park stand a gaggle of rather forlorn recycling bins. There are beyond the railings and so turn their backs upon the park (or Fields) and gape open-mouthed towards a main road. I've no idea how frequently they are attended to. No kerb crawling is allowed here due to the double yellow-lines, so if you are to engage with them you cannot flirt so you must - in full view, walk up to them.

    Standing in their midst is a large metal bin, as tough as nails. But if you get it to open up it's softer inside as it houses the memories of once loved clothes now discarded or readied for re-use. All of my clothes and shoes now lie in there, still.

    A more diminutive bin half a mile away, clearly marked 'Rubbish', contains my wig and all of my make-up. Correction, these are not mine anymore and will most probably not be anothers, their time is spent. They are tousled, teased, twinkled and tipped.

    So that's it then, easy really wasn't it? I was once transsexual but now I'm not. Why didn't someone tell me it was that straightforward?

    The relief of disposing of those deceitful artefacts is extreme; extremely short. I return home cleansed and the post has delivered two of my wife's January magazines - and it's the 6th December!. I can't look because the plastic protects them. These are mid-winter editions with post Christmas issues, they will encourage new-beginnings, healthiness and a respite from over-indulgence. Well, I suspect they may. But I have just purged, I'm setting the agenda, I am indeed now self-evidently a woman ahead of the curve..!

    Now here's the rub. I'm actually a woman lacking curves and now clothes and make-up too.

    The recycling bins might stand forlornly, but they are a resilient bunch. You can't just charm your way in, hassle them and hope they give you something for nothing. They're not charitable that way and if you give, you're spent.

    Let me return to a favourite reflection of mine, that of the elliptical trajectory that I travel upon. Today I suspect I have been at the outer reaches, beyond the railings. I have disposed of the largest hoard yet and so this ellipse may be the most significantly sized one I've travelled upon. If I have just commenced a return orbit then I may be in for some significant G-Force in the coming weeks or months. 

    Chilly winter without clothing, perhaps I need something in order to wrap up..?

    Rachel x

  • Gerri Kay Very good writing.
  • Briana Purcell Hello Rachel - All the best in your journey in being the you that you need to be. I have personally gone through several buy and purge cycles and like you with each they increased in size. In the last one I put them in donation bins too - I secretly...  more
  • Lucy Diamond There's always the January sales
  • Hannah Ceridwen Eluned Cavendish-Grosvenor Very impressive prose