Blah, blah, bizarre, blah, blah..

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    It strikes me that Blogging is a rather peculiar activity. Whilst Pepys might approve of any commitment to a written journal, I'm not certain that he'd score the content of some of them at all highly.

    This Blog is a case in point. I mean....why?!

    Future rules for adding to this Blog might be:

    1. Consider whether I actually have anything to say prior to commencing.
    2. Consider whether what I am thinking of saying is actually of any interest to anybody else.
    3. Consider whether I should be spending my time doing something more useful.
    4. Keep it short.
    5. Write something of greater length and with more substance.
    6. Be more frivolous.
    7. Stray into serious waters.
    8. Express yourself.
    9. Don't reveal too much.
    10. Entertain.
    11. Inform.
    12. Be current.
    13. Remember - you're a woman.
    14. Don't discriminate.
    15. Tell the truth.
    16. Remember you're not actually a woman but with a bit more application..
    17. Avoid lists.


    18. Don't start a blog if your Dinner's overcooking.