A Social Experiment....

    • 68 posts
    May 14, 2015 3:22 PM BST

    Thought for the day.....
    I wonder if we completely isolated a group of babies and brought them up in a Gender Neutral environment in which neither gender was enforced/encourage/discouraged what would happen?
    Considering our gender roles are essentially reinforced from the get go (including the general usage of colours in clothes, decorations and toy choices etc) I wonder how many would align themselves with gender roles typical of what might normally be expected of them (by physical gender determination), how many would switch and how many would simply remain neutral? Would GID exist in such a place?

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    • 2358 posts
    May 14, 2015 3:35 PM BST

    Gender Identity Dysphoria can be a forgone conclusion upon conception, even to influences the embryo is subected to in the womb,

    many old concepts that GID is all in the mind or is a result of social conditioning after birth is no longer a 100% valid argument.

    This post was edited by Cristine Jennifer Shye. BL at May 14, 2015 6:31 PM BST
    • Moderator
    • 2358 posts
    May 14, 2015 4:04 PM BST

    Thinking about this again, regardless of previous mentioned conditions, if you segregated babies at birth, without any social influence,, natural characeristics of gender behavour would come to the forefront, indeed once they were eventually exposed to outside influence natal males and natal females would learn and adopt their natal birth gender general behavour patterns, how they appear, dress, generally masculine and feminine appearances are in herited and these babies would have a natural inbred desire to conform to what society in general expects of them.

    This post was edited by Cristine Jennifer Shye. BL at May 14, 2015 6:41 PM BST
    • 68 posts
    May 14, 2015 5:19 PM BST

    Depends on your definitions a bit...I suppose what this sort of experiment would seek to answer is how much our social requirement to present as typically one gender or another plays a part and to what extent this pressure can or does influence GID.psychology tends to follow a standard concept of Nature and Nurture as playing an important role in our development.


    • 143 posts
    May 14, 2015 6:41 PM BST
    Commenting on your comment Shirley with regards to psychology and the idea of Nature vs Nurture - therein lies part of the problem, I think. First we must always realize that all of description - math or otherwise - is a human construct trying to describe both things we can see and those we cannot - but in the case of reality - the item is there and is true regardless of the pigeon-holes constructed by the sciences. Mind you, I am a strong supporter of math and science and not decrying them, but merely exposing their limits. This means we can be approximate but not exact in our described outcomes. Also there is another problem - the basis of the analysis - this nature and nuture thing. Herein again we create sharp divisions in near isolation from each other - this is a trait of Western philosophy. What of Eastern philosophy and things like Yin & Yang - one cannot be depicted, described, or even be without the existance of the other - hence the nature of its symbol where each has a piece of the other in it. The easiest example is 'night' and 'day'. One is meaningless without the other clearly. 
    Still the idea of the experiment would be interesting to see where one gravitates towards, how gender is defined and expressed, and the like. Thanks for the thought experiment idea. : )
    • 178 posts
    May 14, 2015 7:15 PM BST

    I guess you all understand where I stand on this.  However, to clarify.  I am competely convince that the is a strong genetic component whitch WOULD create a predisposition to gender issues later causing problems in those individuals.  Now, for the moment. and for the sake of arguement, leaving out the chromosomal abnormalities - and their subsequent physical manifestations.  It is clear that where these exist, they are causative in part - at least in my view.


    However, there are many many people who are born with a clear - yet genetically diagnosible - tendency, proclivity to GD. For them, nurture may well enhance their GD feelings.


    For me, the problem is that if they are born with a proclivity to GD, what can society, professionals and so on do to help?


    Ther is so much education to be done.  For me though, the bottom line is this.  The cause - shock horror - is almost irrelevant.  Even when we know the answer, we are still left with millions of pople who need support, nurture and help.


    I'd love to know all the answers, but the answers in themselves are purely academic, and do not go one inch towards helping those of us who need help.  It has to be education, an improvement in self esteem and a release from guilt and shame.


    A far as that is concerned, for me the adage " Physician heal thy self" comes to mind.





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    • 2358 posts
    May 14, 2015 8:22 PM BST

    brain wise, and  with a normal chromosone mosaic nearly every human being animal has an inbuilt self preservation system, to exist comfortably most 'normal' people will fit into normality  to ensure a hassle free life. Males will tend to act and behave like males and females will act in a female way.  If a male baby does not socialise with other male babies, is confined to associating with other female babies, is reared soley by females, in my opinion it would not induce a sense of gender idendity issues, they might be gay, even have effeminate trends,   thats not to say they identify as a female, so to a certain extent nurturing can have an affect, abusive fathers might make their daughter a lesbian, abusive mothers cause a boys to become gay, just a couple of examples but generally nurturing will not induce a sense of mis-assigned gender.   Amanda is right, science is progressing to the point of establishing why many trans people have identity problems, but the cause is academic, unless we are going to enter the field of genetics and genetic engineering to circumvent these types of occurence, its all about care, support and a persons basic human rights...to be themselves.




    • 68 posts
    May 14, 2015 8:57 PM BST

    Hmmmsome interesting points....

    Regarding answers and education, well knowing the why's and what for's generally gives us a better ability to understand things though I appreciate that sometimes (maybe more often than not) it hasn't helped in the past.


    Since no experiemnt of this nature would get passed by an Ethics board I guess its a purely academic question and theoretical discussion.


    As for the point of males being predisposed to doing "normal" things that other males do and the same with females. Thee xperiemnt would remove any gender roles so this point is a little moot I reckon (though I suppose to some extent due to testosterone levels etc that Males might be predisposed to more aggressive behavoiur).

     Still I guess we'd find it hard to imagine such a society existing where gender roles were completely neutralised as we are exposed to them from the moment we arrive (and yes even in the womb too).


    I suppose GID would manifest itself but how it would I am not sure in a society that did not provide a guide by which to judge it against beyond the very bare basics (ie females tend to be more nururing, males more aggressive etc).

  • May 14, 2015 9:19 PM BST

    weel this  conversation is to heavy for me, and my low high scholl education

    so i shall bow to the powers here that know more than i
