I came out mostly indirectly

    • 1 posts
    April 25, 2016 11:48 AM BST

    At first I was direct with a handful of people. I told my boyfriend and he accepted it pretty easily. Then I told my little sister, then my mom, and finally my grandma. Each one at a time. Neither my boyfriend or sister had many questions, they accepted it pretty quickly and without any protest. My mom had allot of questions, I had to tell her what it meant to be transgender and what I'd be going through, but she was mostly excited about shoe shopping. My grandma had allot of questions and still doesn't seem to completely understand it. Accepting it fully seems a bit hard for her, but she's very supportive and encouraging in spite of that because she's more concerned with my happiness than any other details.


    For everyone else I chose to be indirect. I figured if they had questions they would send me a message over Facebook or maybe google it, I wasn't too concerned with that. What I did was I made a blog telling all about me being transgender as well as a few other personal details people didn't know. In my blog I talk about my experiences, my religion, and the games I play. I linked that as my status saying something along the lines of, "I've been trying to think of how to come out about this for awhile, but I think I'll just post this here and let you read for yourself if you are interested." I got some support from a couple family members, my friends didn't seem to mind at all, and most of the people I was worried about some kind of lash out from ignored it completely.


    It is very possible allot of my family doesn't know yet and I don't really care. I put it out there and if they wanted to know about me I think they'd have checked it. Those relatives are the ones I don't normally see for several years at a time anyways.

    • 146 posts
    April 25, 2016 2:26 PM BST

    Hi Rin,

      This sounds very positive too me,-You have told the important people closest too you . You have done exactly the right thing in leaving a simple message for anybody else .Generally when you as a human being are caring enough  to share an inner truth about yourself ,then a caring considerate person will reciprocate this.It changes things and seems to make relationships more meaningful,certainly less cardboard and pretentious.There is a feeling of relief and of not being isolated.Its the lot of a transgendered person to suffer in your own little isolation box thinking the worst, and feeling you cannot progress.There is no doubt that once you say you are transgendered there is no undoing, but its the only way forward.Get rid of all the time wasted on worrying, and thinking the worst so you can live your life.Personally I experienced a much need change in my perception of things, the people who have a problem with Transgendered people-have their own problems which they cannot sort out, in contrast the changes you make as a transgendered person to improve and communicate yourself to others is a life better spent. Take care ,Donna