Hello, welcome and who best to come out to first?

  • January 4, 2022 5:19 PM GMT
    Hello and welcome everybody.

    After a fervent spell of gender dysphoria over recent months and a lot of soul searching this weekend I've accepted I need to make more changes in my life than label myself as non-binary and continue cross dressing. instead I've reconciled my current thoughts with various actions and episodes and a fair bit of cross dressing over my lifetime and reached the decision to embrace transitioning to the female identity which better reflects my personality and attributes.

    The key ignition has been ever growing discomfort in the workplace as I predominantly work with cis males and any email to us collectively is 'Hey Guys\Chaps\Gents' and the presumed pronouns applied went from bemusement to anger over the months. I have never seen myself as 'one of the lads' and could feel myself slipping into anonymity as well as a fair bit of anxiety about attending the workplace - I'm one of those whom has enjoyed the opportunity to work from home.

    I had thought of regarding myself as non-binary with a preference for female clothing but I realised none of this will actually help change how I am perceived and treated by colleagues and friends if I still present as male with a male body. I have some great female friends since school and the thought of sharing 'sisterhood' with them rather than being the gay friend whom drags up at parties gives me warm fuzzy rush. Likewise finally having an 'excuse' to start shopping in earnest for female work attire has been very enjoyable.

    I suspect I will come out last to my parents but whilst the workplace could be the least accepting place it's actually the area which wishes me to act the most ahead of friends. First day back today and I had some anxiety about 'returning' as a male staff member so I'm clearly keen. We're also due for a company re-organisation next month so it struck me as the ideal time to start afresh as my truer self so all the details are changed for day one of the new contract.

    So if you forgive the rambling message, I'd appreciate thoughts of my considered approach:
    1. Advise my manager and colleagues that I have been suffering from gender dysphoria and concluded with an intent to transition.
    2. I've still to master my art with make up, bulk up the wardrobe and I'll still mainly be working from home so initially I was thinking of advising of my new name and preferred pronouns for next month even if still physically presenting as male in the short term.
    3. Swiftly addressing that with a new wardrobe and then attending work in my true gender appropriate attire.
    4. At the same time speak with my GP about HRT and gradually speak to all my friends, for the most part I expect them to be receptive. Most of my friends are female and the transition will have no bearing on any of our shared interests.
    5. I live away from all my family and it may be some time until I see them this year by which point I will be better established and more happy and comfortable with my new true self.

    Does this sound a sensible way to go? As my dysphoria has been triggered by work it strikes me as where I need to start first.

    The more I move myself forward to making this a reality the happier and more excited I feel. The only worry is how i approach this rather than the decision to transition in the first place.

    Happy for your thoughts xx