Ok laides well I fell like going out !

  • April 14, 2006 6:39 AM BST
    Ok so i have decided that i'm going out some weekend soon as well the real me. Now i was wondering if any of you have any tips or suggjestions for me on how to pass as a real woman in public ! im very tiny 5'11 and only like 125-130 pds
    size 10 womens shoe blue eyes and brown hair ,yeah im sorta on the small side i guess but i need some help from everyone here on passing everything from heels-hair . Thanks luv ya much
    • 2 posts
    May 21, 2006 5:18 PM BST
    Corey, if this is your first time out of the house, I might suggest 1) that you DO NOT overdress. Dress down in an outfit that won't draw any unwanted attention, 2) a nice, confidence-building activity might be to just drive around awhile, get used to driving enfemme, watch others. Drive past any gay or T-friendly clubs you might like to try later. Make note of their parking lots, lighting, path to and from the front door, security, crowd, etc. 3) If you don't have confidence to walk right up to the front door of your favorite dress shop and walk right in, just drive by, pause for a moment, check the "lay of the land". In other words, do your homework without putting yourself in danger of attack or embarassment. After a few "adventures" like this, you'll soon be armed with the confidence to go anywhere like I do. Good luck and enjoy! LYNDA WARREN
    • 2573 posts
    May 21, 2006 10:12 PM BST
    I recommend carrying a male change of clothes and "clean up kit" in the car.....just in case your engine dies, you get a flat tire or you get in an accident. You may find that kind of long term attention difficult en femme for a while and nobody wants to get torn stockings or grease on their dress.