NOW what's Mina up to?

    • 1083 posts
    April 24, 2006 10:10 PM BST
    Hi, all--

    Contrary to popular opinion (or maybe just wishful thinking), I haven't left in a snit, huff, or anything else. It's just that Little Miss Mercury's been too busy for her own good. Check it out here:

    Meantime, know that I am thinking of you all, and hoping all is well with you...and, once things wrap up and/or slow down in late May or early June, I'll be back a lot more.

    All y'all have been warned, so be good girls until I can get back here. (And if you can't be good...I want you to send me the juicy details.)

    Luv 'n hugs to you all,

    Mina Sakura
    "Almost-Angel, T-Girl Genius, and Ultra-Flirt"
  • April 25, 2006 4:01 AM BST

    Glad everything is going okay I see you HAVE been busy! Hope to see you around more soon!!!


    • 2463 posts
    April 25, 2006 12:17 AM BST
    Uh, who are you again?

    Just kidding, Mina! Glad to see you're doing fine!
