Partner found my earings

  • May 18, 2006 6:24 PM BST
    Well those magnetic ones you can take on and off easily, she just suddenly said she'd found it and was it mine

    I passed it off saying I'd taken a bag from the cupboard where stored in the flat where I stay working away, and didn't check it that thoroughly and presumed it was empty

    Very lame, and if I was in her shoes I'd be thinking it belonged to some other women (well it kind of does but...) and really its the first time I've really lied since we've been together, as up till now I managed to just keep things hidden as well I didn't want to risk losing her

    Now it might blow over, she might try and ignore it or I might get confronted when I get home and I've always tried to forget about the possibility of getting caught

    I'd rather not deal with it if I can, but right now I'm a little scared and I'm glad I was away from home and speaking on the phone as I was really blushing

    I hope this one will pass, arrrrgh I need a beer and then perhaps I can hope I'm worrying about nothing.
  • May 18, 2006 8:03 PM BST
    Thats the thing I never convincingly pass, but as was working away from home and getting a bit depressed at the beginning of the year I just gave in and did what I wanted to do. I've had to surpress it at home because I knew I'd get found out

    The thing is she met in a gay bar, she knows I'm not gay so it really only leave one other thing, she even asked me if I was a tranny initially when we started going out and I just said I like dressing up which kind of was the truth but let her think what she wanted to.

    I had been warned by people that I'd get caught, but you never think it's going to be you. I just want to hide, I certainly didn't want her to know...I don't want to be single and I love her even if I haven't ever been really honest

    It's bad enough when I have been out with people I know, I'm still embarrassed, I can't imagine facing her family or her friends and they know everything

  • May 20, 2006 1:20 PM BST
    I seem to have got away with this one, as I got home last night and nothing was mentioned, although I did a further hole by bringing a shirt home that had foundation under the collar

    She did make one comment about it looking suspiciously like make up, and saying you been down the pub again and laughed it off

    I'll just take it as a warning, just can't believe she hasn't put two and two together, rather than she doesn't want to talk about it

    Till the next time, I was rather scared for a bit and must have looked a right at work yesterday
    • 112 posts
    May 20, 2006 2:43 PM BST
    sorry hon I think you are so busted gal, she's on to you for sure......she 's probably now waiting for the next clue, and when it comes you are caught.......rg's are very very very precisley tuned to this type of detective work, it's naturaly nature hon.
    she'll know when your covering something up, and may, incorrectly, assume the worst....that is, you are doing something that she might not like or approve of......with another rg.........
    being honest is the best and eventually the only line you can in the long term take.
    if it's all on top then better for the right reasons than the scenario that she might naturally take.....competition in the form of another rg......
    It's also highly , very highly, likely that you've set the alarms ringing already........the comments on the foundation are a clue, she's asking you to be honest, so she knows where she many times has she found foundation on your collar ???????? Right.
    be gentle.........women are the best lie detector's ever........its evolution hon.....
    sorry to be the bearer of tidings grim.......but come do realise whats happening here surely, she's giving you a chance to come clean without a fight.....after all she's guessed your a tranny to start with ....... ok?
    best do it on your own terms too rather than be on the defensive when caught as well.......
    love and light
    come clean, alright?.....
  • August 31, 2006 7:06 PM BST
    being honest is the best and eventually the only line you can in the long term take.

    This is so true. What it boils down to is that you will either have to bury it forever or come clean, and believe me, the latter is far more liberating. Even if you're only ever interested in dressing up recreationally. And it is far better to tell her sooner than later.

    I think it's time to let her know that although you love her so much and you're absolutely terrified of the possibility of losing her, you don't want to lie to her and have it grow into something worse, either. She will probably be far more willing to listen and try to understand if you tell her now.
  • August 31, 2006 11:46 PM BST

    My mum-in-law stopped over unannounced on day while I was taking a well-deserved nap in some lingerie. That took some explaining, too.

    She DID, though, keep it between us and not tell her daughter, until I could muster the confidence to do so myself. I have a lok of respect for her for that and owe her a big deal of thanks.

    Good luck with your situation.


    • 67 posts
    September 1, 2006 12:32 AM BST
    LOL Something similar to that happened to me too! Although my SO knows fully, my mother knows too even though I haven't been totally honest until this latest episode:

    I was sitting at home all dolled up when there was a loud knock on the door. Because I'm not totally 'outed', I kept a pair of baggy track pants, a sweat shirt and some socks nearby just for emergencies. At the time, I didn't have my makeup applied so instead of hiding (the knocking became persistent), I kicked off my heels, put my baggy clothing on and ran to the door just in time to see my mum walking off to her car. Well, she turned to me and said hi and after a little awkwardness (I didn't understand this part until you see why below), she said she had to run and would drop by another time when I wasn't so busy.

    Well, not understanding why she put me off like this, I closed the door and made my way to the bedroom to take off those silly clothes and as I was standing in front of the mirror, I realized why she was reluctant to come in...............


    Sheeesh....LMAO ....anyways, to answer the original thread, honesty always prevails. I really don't know what some of the girls must go through by having to tell their SOs about their little secret after umpteen years of marriage as I have always been upfront about my desires right from get-go but if it takes away from who you really are, then you are lying to yourself too. Whatever you choose to do, I just hope it all works out the way you want it to!

    • 67 posts
    September 2, 2006 2:30 PM BST
    Hey Wendy! That's a GREAT idea! It's not that I have to worry about my family anymore but I still have to deal with friends and co-workers. Darn good thing you were in the ROTC! You're least something good came of it!

    • 1083 posts
    September 5, 2006 11:45 PM BST

    You are SO busted, sweetie. If not now, later. Be ready for the coming storm, dear. It might not be for 4 or 5 years...but it's coming. Best to 'fess up now, then later...when it'll be far, far worse. (Trust me on this one. It's in the camp of "Been There, Doing That.")


    A full length check list is not only a good's how "The Weekend Woman" started off life!

    Luv 'n hugs,

    Dr. Minako Sakura
    "Almost Angel, T-Girl Genius, and Ultra-Flirt"
  • September 14, 2006 6:01 AM BST


    Things been okay (after those three days, anyhow...)?

    Take Care!

    • Moderator
    • 2463 posts
    May 18, 2006 6:53 PM BST
    Loki, you're going to be dealing with this a lot sooner than you think. You are on the brink of total discovery, or a total revelation on your part.

    Is it wise to avoid this now? Maybe. When my wife first found some of my femme clothing she assumed I was having an affair. I should have told her on the spot. I didn't until months later.

    Again, maybe you better sit down soon and discuss this. This WILL NOT blow over. And please be sober when you choose to discuss this.

    • 2573 posts
    May 21, 2006 5:48 AM BST

    Let me be a bit metaphorical. When you lied to your partner, you started down a path to the Darkside of the Force. The further down this path you go, the harder it will be so salvage your relationship. Think of your partner as a Jedi who cannot accept deceit in your relationship. If you do not turn back now, you won't lose her now, but when she does find out.....the odds will be that you will lose her. Better to find out now. You cannot change being TG. If you wait she will have to deal with your being TG and lying to her. The combination multiplied by time will likely kill whatever chance you have now. Can the relationship survive not being open from the start. It happens. But it doesn't happen often. I recommend trying love and honesty. If you lose her now it will hurt less than losing her later and later you are more likely to lose her. Good luck.
    • 2627 posts
    May 21, 2006 11:58 AM BST
    I can understand your wanting to keep a relationship with someone you love. I'd be willing to do allmost anything for that. But from the getgo you lied about who you are. How would you feel if you found out she's someone completely different from who she says she is. If you realy want this to work you have to be honest.
    • 2573 posts
    September 1, 2006 4:27 AM BST
    I've mentioned this before, but one reason I never was discovered crossdressing is I use checklists....including one on the front door over the knob. It tells me what I need to check before opening the door...usually in a somewhat cryptic form. Yours would have read "choke" or "neck" or something similar. Many of you may never come out so I hope this hint helps you maintain your lives of intermittent terror without a real disaster hitting and your secret coming out when you are not ready.

    I never can remember that I have nail polish on and now my pierced ears give me another opportunity to make a mistake...I'm used to having something in my ear all the time. I also am more likely now to sleep without cleaning up or checking myself I wake and forget that I need to check myself in the mirror....the FULL length mirror....a checklist works well. Pilots always use one. The ones who don't are in smoking holes in the ground. And you thought Air Force ROTC was of no value to a T girl.
    • 2573 posts
    September 6, 2006 9:34 AM BST
    Another handy helper is a drawing of drawers and jewelyr boxes if you are "borrowing" stuff to dress. That way they get back where they belong AND you dont forget one.

    Interesting Min. Didn't know tthat. TY