January 30, 2003 8:13 AM GMT
Hi girls

Sometimes looking at people you find someone, who, according to you, doesn´t pass. It´s embarrashing to notice afterwards that it WAS a lady after all.
I have heard that in my country some genetic women have been attacked by men, who think they are trannies. Just because they look like trannies.
So, does this pass-or-not-pass business have any sense at all? I just ask...
February 3, 2003 4:34 AM GMT
I once met a 23 year old G.F. who was almost 6 feet tall and had a voice that sounded like a man`s.
January 31, 2003 7:42 AM GMT

I guess natal is ok, I have it already in my name...
January 31, 2003 1:45 AM GMT
I don't know about natal female. If I referred to one of my ex-girlfriends using that term, she'd probably punch me out and ask questions later. http://mywebpages.comcast.net/fashionlab/Images/Smileys/Laugh01.gif
I'm sticking with genetic female, just to be on the safe side. http://mywebpages.comcast.net/fashionlab/Images/Smileys/Wink01.gif
January 30, 2003 9:10 PM GMT
Frightening thought indeed!
And then,just when I believed I was getting the terminology sorted out...
