what would you do ?............

  • January 2, 2007 9:10 PM GMT
    what would you do to these three question's......1#how can you plan for the future if no one is promised a tomorrow ?....2#if one day you catch the dreams you are chasing...would you ever dream again ?.....last but most thought provoking question...3#if there were two mirrors one that showed your outter beauty and one that showed your inner beauty....whitch one would you choose to refect you ?...
    • 140 posts
    January 2, 2007 10:37 PM GMT
    Dearest Brandi: You DO have a knack for coming up with some thought provoking questions! #1 True, no one is guaranteed a tomorrow, that's why today is called the "present". Plan for tomorrow, but don't forget to enjoy today and as my line says "Always remember to tell the special people in your life, just how much you care! #2 If you catch your dreams: I believe if you catch your dreams it opens up the way for NEW dreams! #3 If there were two mirrors: I would choose the inner beauty because I do not posess the outer beauty that others such as yourself posess! And You KNOW I DO think you are beautiful! If I had half of your beauty I don't even know how I'd be! But I know I'd be one happy girl!!! You ARE special my friend, and I do care! Love, Jackie
  • January 2, 2007 11:30 PM GMT
    #1- I could die today but, most likely I'll be here tomorrow so it is best to make plans just in case.
    #2- Are dreams ever completely finalized? It seems that we are constantly adding on to our dreams.
    #3- Inner beauty. I've met plenty of men and women who were so beautiful on the outside but, their innerself, the way they thought of others, was so ugly and self-serving that it took way from their outerself. Inner beauty makes a person so attractive that regardless of any imperfection on the outside they shine brighter than the most perfect diamond.
    Brandi, you and everyone else here, possess both inner and outer beauty and that is what makes our world a better place.
    • 1083 posts
    January 3, 2007 12:32 AM GMT
    1. Today is a gift, whatever day "today" is. That's why it's called the present. Yesterday is over, and tomorrow, while never promised nor guaranteed, should be planned for.

    Because tomorrow will be today before you know it.

    2. If one can catch one's dreams, then they will either (a) develop and have new dreams to chase, or (b) will have to take dreaming lessons--for those dreams were not big enough. One should always have both attainable and unattainable dreams...because dreams are what give us hope.

    3. Inner beauty is forever. External beauty is nice...but can be had or lost in a moment's notice. Look at one's heart, and see the person inside for who they really are.

    Luv 'n hugs,
    Mina Sakura
    • 141 posts
    January 6, 2007 6:03 AM GMT
    Does there have to be a tomorrow for there to be a today? No. My father-in-law, a doctor, knew the night of his heart surgery that he would never see the sunrise. That he gave no hint of his end in his words to his sons and daughter and his wife, as he was quiet and strong and everything he had ever been to them and all they had known him as, even as he knew and as he and I looked at each other and shared between us a silent farewell - for that was the special relationship that he and I had - he didn't need a tomorrow, for he had had a wonderful past and knew for his family that there would be a future beyond his own.

    Even with the uncertainty of life, how very cavalier we are with each of the days we are gifted. I have touched moments -- perhaps out of despair, perhaps of respect for what I've experienced -- that I have said to myself at night as I close my eyes that I have been truly gifted with this experience of life and every painful and joyous aspect of it, that I can truly say and feel, 'if there is no more than this, than that which I have had has satisfied me and that even yearning is an emotion I would wish to feel at my final sleep.

    I would hope, Brandi, that the moment of my death is that moment that I have attained my dream. This place that I occupy it's dimensions of time and space that is granted to me in some unknown way is my 'dream'. This dream is the exact envelope of my being. I know one day that I will touch my dream and the mirror that I will see will be my existance such as it was, expanded to the full extend of my awareness, being everything that my mind has seen or conceived.

    The mirror will only show me the essense somehow captured within the vessel that has carried me through this journey. For every bit that my body is diminished by life my soul - however you conceive it - will be more.

    What I realize in this, Brandi, is that the reflection of either mirror is within me. You cannot show a mirror of yourself to someone else, for when you turn a mirror from yourself to another it shows them their reflection. I wish to be that mirror that reflects on them the picture that they desire. I want my life to be that mirror that reflects beauty and light and kindness.