The Effeminate Obama

    • 37 posts
    March 3, 2008 12:47 AM GMT
    The Effeminate Obama

    While the Ferguson campaign obviously does not endorse Barak Obama's bid for the presidency, we are nevertheless supportive of the senator in the face of attempts to discredit him through the display of photographs taken of the candidate in native African dress. At first blush, this would appear to be an attempt to link Obama to Islam, nothing shameful in itself even if it were true, but continues to insist that he is a devout Christian. Leaving aside for the moment the almost insurmountable difficulties an openly Islamic presidential candidate would face in the general election, these photographs speak to a larger issue concerning the importance of image in our culture and the dichotomous nature of American society.

    Most of us are conditioned by society, family, religious institutions, political rhetoric, and legal constraints to think in dichotomous terms. We are generally not encouraged to think or form perceptions in nuanced terms. Much of our thinking and our institutions is based upon the recognition of polarized opposites (male/female, black/white, gay/straight, Republican/Democrat, religious/atheist, et al). All too often, we are discouraged from exploring possibilities which lie between the two extremes.

    In the case, of Senator Obama's photographs in native African dress, we suggest that they may have been published with a view to discredit him on at least three levels. First, as previously stated, the photographs represent an almost certain attempt to link the candidate with Islam. Secondly, they seem to emphasize racial characteristics and link these with a foreign (and possibly hostile) culture. Finally, even the most objective observer would probably be inclined to agree that the garments worn by Obama in the photographs tend to make him appear effeminate by the traditional standards of Western civlization, the possible implication being that identification with feminine characteristics is synonymous with weakness and pusillanimity.

    As the first official transgendered presidential candidate in American history, Ferguson's character has often been assailed in a similar manner. Transgenderism is imbued with an ancient and proud history which includes the "berdaches" or "two-spirit people" common in Native American culture, the transgendered Egyptian pharaoah Hatshepsut, and cross dressing saints of the Middle Ages, among others. The notion that someone who does not fit neatly into the male/female gender dichotomy is inherently unfit to govern runs deep in the American psyche. Through her candidacy, Ferguson hopes in a small way to dispel such notions and discourage attempts to discredit individuals based upon lifestyle, race, sexual orientation, gender orientation, and spiritual values. One can only hope that the day will come when photographs, such as those taken of Senator Obama, will be taken at face value and not used in attacks upon the character and fitness of a candidate.

    (Bennie Lee "Ben" Ferguson is a transgendered independent write-in U.S. presidential candidate registered with the Federal Election Commission. E-mail: [email protected]. Website: