Gustav !! .................

    • 315 posts
    September 1, 2008 9:07 AM BST

    Hi Girls,

    Over the past 24hrs, I've been watching the preparations/safety measures/evacuations getting under way for the "arrival" of Hurricane Gustav.

    Whilst, on this side of "the pond", we're blessed with hurricanes being a rare occurence, it seems to be an almost regular event for you in the US.

    Are any of you being directly effected by Gustav?
    Hopefully not, but if you are, I hope and pray that everything passes safely for you, and that you don't have too much damage/losses to your homes, etc.

    Angela. xx.
    • 1912 posts
    September 1, 2008 7:09 PM BST
    I won't be effected by Gustav but the next one Hanna has a projected path to hit Savannah directly. That is not good news at all because Savannah sits really low. I live only 500 feet from the tidal creek/marsh so I'm pretty much at a minimum guaranteed to flood. My flood insurance is paid up and I increased my coverage this summer so in that respect i'm not concerned. My biggest concern is my business and if there is significant damage to the area it can dramatically mess things up for me. So lets hope this one decides to head out to sea and fall apart.

    My best wishes to anyone in the Gulf coast area effected by Gustav.

    • Moderator
    • 1195 posts
    September 2, 2008 3:34 PM BST
    You take care Marsha. Seems like this is a bad year..but we're getting winds out of the northwest today so Hanna may go to sea....we hope
    • 315 posts
    September 3, 2008 10:55 AM BST

    Hopefully Hanna won't make a visit !

    It's interesting to hear about you increasing the levels of your insurances.
    Here in Ireland (and the UK) over the past few years, we've suffered badly from flooding, to the extent now that many, if not almost all, Insurance Companies here either refuse to cover certain properties for flood risk, or, if they will offer cover, it's at such a high premium, that it becomes almost prohibitive !!

    So, even though you're in an area regularly "hit" during Hurricane Season, to hear that Insurance still appears to be both easily got, and at an affordable cost, is quite surprising !!

    Anyway, hopefully you'll not need to put in a claim in the forseeable future !!

    Angela. xx.
    • 2463 posts
    September 1, 2008 2:04 PM BST
    Angela, this is actually called hurricane season, so, unfortunately, those who live in that region come to expect these storms. I lived on the east coast for a while, and while I was not directly affected by any hurricanes, we often felt the after-effects of these storms, such as high winds.

    Like you, I pray for the safety of all these people.