Mixed pickles..............

    • 404 posts
    December 8, 2008 7:47 PM GMT
    For your delectation and,where necessary,deep philosophical thinking...............

    There is always one way for a husband to have the last word: he can apologise..........

    Marriage is so popular because it combines a maximum of temptation with a maximum of opportunities........

    Love is the illusion that one man is different from all the others................

    A decollete is the trick of being so undressed that you're still considered to be dressed..............

    Youth is a wonderful thing....pity it's wasted on children..........

    Woman:a refined combination of arsonist and fire-brigade..........

    That a woman resists is not always a sign of her virtue-often it's a sign of her experience........

    Whoever looks for heaven on earth was asleep in the geography lesson............

    If a man wants his wife to listen to him all he has to do is talk to another............

    No-one contributes more to the entertainment at a party than those who aren't there.............

    Once upon a time the girls cooked like their mothers- nowadays they booze like their fathers.........

    God has a sense of humour- how else could he have created mankind?

    It's not necessary to contradict women-they take care of that themselves............

    Bigamy means having one man too many-monogamy means the same.............

    Shall we practice arithmetic? We could add you and me together,subtract our clothes,divide our legs and multiply ourselves..........

    A hole is where something isn't(Kurt Tucholsky)

    The metre is a measure of length-in angling it represents about 45cm...............

    Love is the story of the pursuit of the man by the woman(George Bernard Shaw)

    A professor is a person who talks in someone-elses sleep.........

    that'll do for now

    Have fun

    Lynn H.
    • 404 posts
    December 10, 2008 6:27 PM GMT
    .................and while I'm on about it,how about abbreviations??

    We all know what CD stands for..............but ROM?........Right old Maid?

    and...........what about DVD?................Distinctly Vintage Dame??

    or.........'Blue Tooth'?.............................Is this the TG version of a 'Blue stocking'

    to say nothing of................URL.............Ultimate Realistic Lady??

    Have fun!

    Lynn H
    • 404 posts
    February 8, 2009 7:21 PM GMT
    Doctor: "I'm afraid I've got some good news and some bad news for you:"

    Patient,"Aha,I think I'd like the good news first."

    D."OK,you've got a week to live...."

    P."I see. And the bad news?"

    D."I forgot to tell you this last week.........."


    Lynn H.