April - Quiz

    • Moderator
    • 1195 posts
    March 23, 2009 6:03 PM GMT
    April Quiz

    !. Al Jolson (ask your grandmother) sang a song about April. What was it's title?

    2. What was the origin of "April Fools?" This had nothing to do with practical jokes.

    3. Have you figured out a ligitimate was of getting out of paying income tax? If yes, please send me a PM.

    4. Is it true that you can't plant flowers or vegetables until after Easter? Something to do with frost.

    That should be enough for now.
    • Moderator
    • 1195 posts
    March 26, 2009 2:25 PM GMT
    Golly Gee - no takers?
    Well allow me to give you the answers.

    1. Al Jolson was a singer, originally fron Vaudville. He also make the first motiion picture which had singing in it. The song (not in the movie) was "April Showers." I'll bet you all knew that answer, you're all just shy.

    2. The origin of "April Fool" is a bit tricky. I researched it a while back 'cause my students wanted to know. When the current calendar was introduced it changed New Year's day from April 1st to January 1st. Those people who didn't change to the new calendar were ridiculed and called "April Fools." You must remember from your history lessons that the Pope in Rome changed the calendar (supposedly) and the influence of the church at that time was great. You've got to remember "those good old church" days when they burned people for being diferent.

    3. - skip - big brother might be listening

    4. My wife's father was part Cherokee and he always said that there would be a frost around Easter.
