Time to close our pursus and wallets

    • Moderator
    • 252 posts
    July 12, 2010 6:27 PM BST
    Note: I first posted this on the USA forum, but then I figured this was probably a better place for it. If the mods wish to delete the other entry on the USA forum, you have my permission.

    We in the US in the LGBT community know full well that the Democratic Party in general and Obama in particular are seriously dragging their feet on our issues. ENDA seems about three-quarters dead at this point and the survey involved with the future implementation of the repeal of DADT is ridiculously homophobic and may well be a back door, the questions obviously crafted to people to know nothing about gay people. This may well be a measure allowing DADT to be re-implemented at a later time.

    As a full and complete community, if we act as one, we have the ability to change the political landscape in this country and we've been far too scared by the left that "If you don't vote for us, the GOP....." Well, Which do we want more? A government that openly spits in our collective eye or or one that pats us on the back and tells us to be patient. Be patient. Just until Obama's second term. Pardon me? We have a Democratic House, a near super-majority in the Senate and a Democratic President and we can't get through legislation that a vast majority of Americans want.

    We shouldn't have to wait any longer. We were promised so many things by this Administration and we have been delivered absolutely squat. We have found that we need to fight for our rights at least as hard if not harder with this Administration. Harder, because when we protest, our allies and friends on the left are saying to us "What are you doing? Why are you trying to sabotage your friends?"

    Well, friendship is a two-way street, as I've often said. The Democratic Party has not been a friend to the LGBT community. We have been treated like ungrateful children and metaphorically placed at the children's table. The Dems scare us with the prospect of a GOP Administration, well, maybe that's what needs to happen. As Robery Graves wrote in I, Claudius "Let all the poisons that lurk in the mud...hatch out!" Maybe that's what we need, another GOP Administration to remind everyone how oppressive they really are and for the Dems to finally give us a real seat at the table and not this song and dance that they give us every four years.

    As a community, we give money to Democratic campaigns (well, some of us do), we volunteer, and we vote. I echo the voices of many when I ask you to close your purses to Dems and only give money to candidates who openly support our legislation. If we don't try something else, this problem might be considered our own fault. Remember, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. Isn't it time we stopped knocking our heads against the wall?

    • 1912 posts
    July 12, 2010 8:02 PM BST
    I definitely have to agree with you Zoe. All that seems to ever happen is we hear that it is not the right time, be patient, and send money. I have routinely written my congressman and senators throughout the ENDA legislation. Nothing changes. Send money. All they ever do is dangle carrots and say send money. No democrat or republican who is currently in office will get my vote this election period. People can blame Bush all they want, but it is not like this bunch of legislators have accomplished anything good for the country either.
    • 1083 posts
    July 13, 2010 12:42 AM BST
    Funny thing. I kept hearing about all this change.

    Seems like that's all I have left in my clutch.... **rimshot fx**

    Oh, come now...you didn't really think things were gonna change for us, did you? If anything, all the talk--if it comes to pass--may well make it more difficult for the TS/TG/CD crowd.

    Easy way to tell if a politician is lying: Watch their lips. If they're moving, then they are lying. Pure and simple.

    Luv 'n hugs,

    • 434 posts
    July 16, 2010 3:54 AM BST
    I am about as far "Right" as you can get - but contrary to popular opinion the "right" are not all a bunch of "homophobes and Bible thumpers"
    What the voters in the USA need to do is vote for the person who will do the most GOOD for the Country - not the most "Politically Correct!"
  • July 16, 2010 8:16 PM BST
    Hi Sisters,

    Wether "Left" , "Right" or in the "Middle", we forget.... our representatives get elected by trying to blend
    various desires from all sides, and unfortunately accept alot of special interest money in the process.

    So if someone gave you money to get elected, what do you think they will want from the you once you are elected?

    My point is that the voters needs seem to come 2nd to a class of people / organizations that can afford
    to "Buy" into and influence the status quo political system.

    Color me cynical of trusting a politician regardless of their leanings.

    • Moderator
    • 252 posts
    July 17, 2010 5:40 PM BST
    I did say the Dems had a "near super-majority", which is true. That freakin' D.I.N.O. Lieberman. Oh, I guess he's an independent now. Whatever. American politics of the last several years has been a gigantic hidden study of what it takes before we all knock our heads into the wall.

    In this country, the Dems are, for some reason scared silly of the few Reps around and the main item on the GOP menu is disturbing the Obama Administration. We endured eight years of the most controlling, secretive Administration in the history of this country, we had our rights curtailed and were told if we disagreed with his agenda, we were traitors. Now, we are still involved in the same two foreign wars as before and the same GOP who were calling us traitors are now making actual veiled threats against our President's life. The same legislators who were questioning our patriotism are now actively blocking a wartime Presidents. Is this where we call the GOP traitors?

    I'm sick of the names, the games and the lies. Are we going to remove the Dems from Congress because they have been hit with more filibusters in two years than any other Administration has ever been hit with in four years? Are we going to pat the GOP on the back and say "Good job. You've brought the whole country to it's knees." Are the Dems going to continue their legislative equivalent of a Porky Pig imitation? Is the GOP going to continue being the party of "No"? Are they EVER going to take responsibility for the terrible state the country was in when Obama was elected or are they just going to imagine that "It was like that when I got here."

    • 1912 posts
    July 17, 2010 9:39 PM BST
    I'm thinking what we need to do is ban all corporations and run them out of this country just as the liberal unions have done to all the manufacturing jobs by running up labor costs to an unsustainable and noncompetitive level. After doing that the only ones left with a job should be the government workers and when they want to tax us we can say raise income taxes all you want because we don't have any income to tax. We need more of those Boston Big Dig projects because we can count on Kennedy like senators to make sure they never run out of money no matter how many billions over budget they run. Oink Oink!
    • 434 posts
    July 18, 2010 5:17 AM BST
    I will never forget what I heard from one of the Kennedy family. If more people followed that principle, things would be a lot better in this world
    "Ask not what your Country can do for you - ask what you can do for your Country" (Kennedy Inaugural Address Jan. 20, 1961)

    Many people wrongly interpret this as meaning that we should be servants to our Country when, in actuality, we "serve" our Country best by being productive in our endeavors (to the best of our abilities) in order that all may benefit. It is only when certain members of the population consider first what their "Country can do for" them, that the system breaks down.

    "and my needs entwined, like ribbons of light...and I came through the doorway, some where... in the night"
    • Moderator
    • 252 posts
    July 18, 2010 4:14 PM BST
    Hey Marsha. Unfortunately, there's no way to oust corporations now. As someone said earlier in this thread, corporations now have no ceiling for the amount of money they can give to politicians. In addition, corporations in this country have all the protections given to private individuals. I'm surprised corporations aren't qlready buying and selling politicians in the open. Personally, I support NASCAR like patches for lobbyists money they have taken. Did you take millions from BP? Then you have to wear a big BP patch on your arm. At least we would know who these people are really working for.

    • 1017 posts
    July 16, 2010 1:28 AM BST
    Hi Zoe,

    Before I reply, I think I need to tell you where I'm coming from. I'm an unrepentant liberal (not a "progressive", a real Liberal.) I've been accused here of being an "extreme" liberal - I took it as a compliment. To give you an idea of my politics, I voted against Ronald Reagan in every public election he ever ran in (even though I had to {gag} re-register as a Republican to give him a thumbs down in the primaries.) Obama was not my candidate of choice and I did not vote for him in primary. (My preferred candidate did a very stupid and public meltdown.) I did vote for Obama in in the November election, no choice given the alternative mccain/PALIN ticket.

    I too have been very disappointed with our president's progress on many issues, not just the LGBT ones. Despite the Tea Party nutjobs claims, his is not a raging liberal, he's middle of the road extreme moderate. (I got a good laugh when one of the conservative girls here referred to him a "Comrade Obama", talk about a really stupid, uninformed bit of political ignorance...)

    A factual correction, the Dems do not have a super-majority in the Senate, more's the pity.

    Politics is a give and take game, often influenced by the 24 hour news cycle media. You seldom get what you want right away, and even if you did the opposition will use it to tie up anything else until they can vote you out. After Healthcare the Republicans are doing exactly that - to hell with the country as long as we get back into the drivers seat.

    Maybe Obama will never get Don't Ask Don't Tell repealed or ENDA passed. In the long run, it's more important that he get at least 2 more Supreme Court Justices onto the bench. That will have far more effect for the LGBT community in the long run.

    As to political contributions, do what you think is right, but remember the Roberts Court has declared corporations to be equal to other citizens - I guess you have the same available funds as GE, Lockheed, Microsoft and General Motors (er, strike the last one, you own GM...)
