August 21, 2010 7:55 PM BST
Just a thought - what about starting a blog here? A bit of your history, what you're up to now (not literally LOL), add things as you go...
August 22, 2010 1:58 AM BST
Hi Angela-
Huge hug, girl. You are so very welcome here, it's just the place to be for girls like us. Perhaps your story is somewhat the same as other's, but, as they say, the tune may be the same, but the lyrics are your own. If I may say so, I congratulate you on coming to terms with yourself and moving along in your journey at such a relatively young age, good for you. Perhaps if there had been resources like TGS around when I was as young as you things would have worked out differently for me, not that I'm complaining, it is what it is.
Please, Angela, if you need someone to confide in, whether it's personal or not, you can always contact me or any of the other mods, and of course, everyone here knows what it's like to be a girl...or a the wrong body. Once again, you are so welcome, please feel at home.
Hugs...Joni Mari