December 3, 2010 12:38 AM GMT
Hello Jakie and welcome to TGS.
Whether you are transgender, bigender, or cisgender, or somewhere in between, you are equally welcome.
I am sure you will meet others here who are in similar places on the gender spectrum.
December 3, 2010 1:29 AM GMT
Hi Jakie-
If anybody on this forum, or any other, makes you feel unwelcome about who you are and how you feel yourself to be and especially about how you choose to self-designate, you let me know. We may have our little spats here and all, just like any family, but everyone is welcome. So...welcome.
Seriously, TGS is the best place on the web to find help, support, resources, information and friendship. Especially the friendship part. You are very, very welcome here. There isn't much I can add to what the other girls have said, except to say that if you need any help regarding this forum or the site in general, please feel free to let me or any of the other mods know.
BTW, nice weather...more or, wasn't it?
Hugs...Joni Mari
December 5, 2010 12:04 AM GMT
Only you yourself can decide what you are. Me personally I never fit any labels and when someone thinks they have me worked out and neatly labeled I go and change again.
I'm a big bold, shy, introspective, smart , dumb, butch and femme woman and thats just on mondays. You should see the rest of the week. The thing is I decided to be this way. I could have worked really hard to fit into people's perceived ideas of who I am and what I'm about but that wouldnt be fair to me or the world at large.
On the "wannabe" factor. Look up "trans". From :
a prefix occurring in loanwords from Latin ( transcend; transfix ); on this model, used with the meanings “across,” “beyond,” “through,” “changing thoroughly,” “transverse,” in combination with elements of any origin: transisthmian; trans-Siberian; transempirical; transvalue.
If you switch between one and another you can use the prefix "trans" to pretty much anything. You just struck someones idea of what they believe trans to be.
Personally, I dont think of myself as trans at all in the transsexual meaning that is. I made that voyage, the boat docked in January 2006. There was still some lessons to learn but for the most part that finished. Now my journey is with other parts of life. I believe I will always have a little trans in my life as I am Trans-life now. Traveling through my life, changing thoroughly with time and enjoying the ride.
Remember the only opinion that truly matters is your own. You're the one that has to look at yourself every morning when you look in the mirror.
December 5, 2010 4:01 AM GMT
^ wise words, and thanks.
December 5, 2010 4:36 AM GMT
Hi Jakie. I''ve read your post a few times, but didn't realy feel a need to post other than to say hi.
I'm prewtty much a strong willed person, who says what needs to be said. This othen gets me in trouble with the weak minded.
Luckly I can pretty much speak my mind here, unlike on another site which wll remain nameless.
Anyways, I just wanted to say. If you listen to all the negativity from closed minded souls, you'll never be free, and most importantly, you'll never accept yourself.
This is the most important thing in all your life. It doesn't matter what others say. It doesan't matter if others accept you, for who you are. If you don't accept who you are you'll never be free.
December 4, 2010 9:10 AM GMT
Seriously, I didn't expect this kind of overwhelming support especially after being told several times that I'm a "wannabe" and not a "real MTF".
I seriously needed that, so thanks all.
Two-Spirited fits pretty well, although there tend to be two types of bigendered folks. Some strictly two-spirited, as in two seperate gendered aspects of the same self and those who are fluid. I'm of the latter. But hey, where I stand is if your trans your trans details aside.
Love the scripture quote by the by.