What's The First Thing You Check?

    • Moderator
    • 2127 posts
    April 18, 2010 1:23 PM BST
    I'm working on putting together our new Gender Society community web site. Maybe you can help.

    When you log in, what's the first thing you check? Your messages, the forums, the blogs or what?

    Also, where do you usually go next?


    Katie x
    • 530 posts
    April 18, 2010 1:48 PM BST
    1 Messages (only if notified there is one waiting)
    2 Forums
    3 Tribune (only when new one is out)
    4 Who's here and where they are. (This feature still updates far too slowly)
    5 Chat

    I will often open a second page / tab to continue chatting while looking other places on the site
    • 1912 posts
    April 18, 2010 2:13 PM BST
    I always first check for new forum posts, then for new news stories. Of course if I get notification I go straight to my messages or the tribune. If I have time I will check to see if anyone is in the chatroom, usually in the evening. Somewhere in all that I look to see if there are any new articles.
    • 1980 posts
    April 18, 2010 3:07 PM BST
    Hi Katie-

    Messages get read first if I have any. Then I check the forums for new posts starting with the ones I host and then the general forum. Then anything else that looks interesting. I'm not really a chatter, so that one generally gets a miss.

    Hugs...Joni Mari
  • April 18, 2010 4:14 PM BST
    Hi Katie,
    Messages , then blogs then forums......

    Michelle Lynn
    • 1017 posts
    April 18, 2010 5:04 PM BST
    Hi Katie,

    I always check out the info next to my Icon on the front page to see if I've got new messages, friend requests or profile viewers. Then I scroll down to see if there are new posts in the forums. Depending on what I find I pretty much check these things out in that order. After that I usually check to see who's online. Check the blogs a couple of times a week. I occasionally go to Chat if there's someone online I want to talk to or if I'm just feeling sociable. Unless something causes a dust up in the forums, I usually wait to read the articles once the Trib comes out.

    • 734 posts
    April 18, 2010 6:42 PM BST
    Profile page - as that's where the login takes me.
    New forum posts.
    Not interested in chat.
    Tribune when out.
    • 404 posts
    April 18, 2010 7:14 PM BST
    2=Tribune when it's there

    anything else as,when and if necessary.

    Lynn H.
    • 136 posts
    April 18, 2010 9:26 PM BST
    The Forums, and then maybe who's online; depends on how much time I have at hand..
    • 2068 posts
    April 18, 2010 10:13 PM BST
    with me its.....

    1) Forum posts
    2) Blogs
    3) Who''s here
    4) Chat.

    lol xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
    • 1195 posts
    April 18, 2010 10:43 PM BST

    • 434 posts
    April 19, 2010 6:16 AM BST
    What's in a headline?
    When I read the list of new Forum entries, I saw the headline "What's The First Thing You Check?".
    The first thing that came to mind was a blog about what you first check out in,
    1) a suspected TG
    2) a well dressed "Ovarian"
    3)...or a Guy.

    Damn!! there doesn't seem to be a smiley for "embarrassed"

    When I sign on, I check out the list of new blogs, then the articles, then the chat room
  • April 19, 2010 10:39 AM BST
    Messages, if I've got any, then most recent posts, maybe some replies, then I just jump about the site for a while depending on how much time I've got.
    Oh and I'll probably change my pics as I always think I've got another one where I look more feminine. It's a never ending quest!
    • Moderator
    • 2127 posts
    April 19, 2010 11:33 AM BST
    Hi Girls and thanks for the info. It seems clear that the forums and messaging are your top priorities. We will make sure that our new messaging system works really well. In addition we hope to have an instant messaging system which will allow you to chat in real time with anyone else who is online.

    And of course, we will be bringing all the posts from our old forums over to the new ones. They will look different and may even work in a slightly different way but all of our years of posts will still be there.

    Our blogs will come across too, as will the photo galleries and your member profiles. That's the theory anyway. This is going to be a huge job. Wish me luck!

    Thanks and hugs,

    Katie x
    • 2017 posts
    April 20, 2010 7:43 AM BST
    For me, it's forums first, then messages. Afterwards I will look into chat but more often than not at the time of day I log in it's empty so I don't usually stay there long.

    • 871 posts
    April 20, 2010 10:43 AM BST

    I first check to see if I have received any hate mail.

    Then I check the forums to see if anyone has said anything slanderous about me.

    Then I go into chat to see if I can find anyone to insult.

    • 1912 posts
    April 20, 2010 1:05 PM BST
    Penny, with all that how do you ever find time to sleep? Just going through your email must be incredibly time consuming. I'm still waiting for a reply to that vicious message I sent you. And for the forums and chat, lets not go there because I can't imagine what it would be like to be in your shoes. Thank God they are way too big for me, lol.
    • 1652 posts
    April 20, 2010 3:46 PM BST
    Penny, you're a goddam f@(*ing b!^£#.
    I usually go to the forums first, or blogs, no-one ever sends me messages any more, sob. Sometimes if I have nothing to do of an evening (rare these days) I spend some time in the chatroom, and occaionally have a wander round the galleries.