September 24, 2010 3:24 PM BST
I would shoot you myself, lmfao, then shoot myself because life would not be worth living without you
Me I would like to die of a heart attacks after spending all day humping you
September 24, 2010 6:03 PM BST
Well not dying would be best. But if I have to. It would be on my 150th birthday in the arms of my 23yr old wife.
September 24, 2010 6:35 PM BST
Hi Cris,
Many years ago, I came across a poem by Roger McGough called 'Let Me Die A Youngman's Death', and I immediately thought to myself "Yep, he's got the right idea". I still think so.
The poem's at[...]-death/ if you want to cast an eye over it.
September 24, 2010 9:03 PM BST
This is quite a conundrum for me as I am living dead i am unable to die. I have certainly given lots of people nightmares! lol. Anyway, it has often been a fantasy to be shagged to death only to be followed by being shagged back to life again!!! so i'm not sure if it can be classified as a how i would like to die thing.
oh, i have it... I would like to mysteriously disappear whilst operating a McDonalds burger making machine. I understand a number of people go missing every year and McDonalds burgers can have quite an appealing texture sometimes
September 24, 2010 9:21 PM BST
I wish I had a clever, witty answer to the question, but I don't.
When my time comes, I'd like to go suddenly, painlessly and preferably unknowingly - just a candle snuffed out without warning.
Once it happens, my Will requests my remains be placed in an appropriately black plastic bag and left out on the curb for the regularly scheduled Monday trash pick-up.
September 24, 2010 9:34 PM BST
By a massive heart attack, right after realizing all the Jimmy Choo shoes in the window are in my size....and are on sale.
After all, after seeing that what is there left to look forward to?
September 24, 2010 10:40 PM BST
I agree 100% with Melody. Sudden, painless, unknowingly, what more could you ask. I have watched people die, just last Friday the drowning I witnessed. Earlier this summer I visited my friend John in the Intensive Care Unit where he passed away from liver disease which he suffered immense pain from. I saw my mom suffer and eventually die from lung cancer. Sudden, painless, unknowingly would be a real blessing.
September 25, 2010 4:40 AM BST
Sliding down an 80' wave in N. Shore Oahu stoned out of my mind listening to Stevie Ray Vaughn's "VooDoo Chile" on my iPod!!! LOL
February 17, 2011 2:29 PM GMT
I'd like to die seconds after having having a three way with the Olsen twins. Seconds after I say "No one's ever going to believe this." the three of us are vaporized by a meteorite.
February 17, 2011 7:44 PM GMT
I seem to recall a poem 'The Soldier" by Rupert Brooke ...........If I should die.......