December 10, 2010 2:05 AM GMT
Welcome to GS Audrey, you will find lots great gals here. And Zoey, the weather is even better here in Bangkok right now, feel free to come visit me.
December 10, 2010 4:03 AM GMT
Hi Audrey-
You are so very welcome here. As you can see from the greetings you've already gotten, TGS is a very friendly place and the best site online to make friends and find support, advice and resources. Please make yourself comfortable and feel free to join in on the various chats and forums. If you should need any help with getting around on the site, please let me or any of the other mods know and we'll be glad to help. A bit of warning though, you don't need to spend a lot of time getting familiar because soon, real soon, we are going to be moving lock, stock and wardrobe to our new site which will be not only different, but way cooler.
And to Marsha: here's best wishes for a speedy and safe recovery. Congratulations, girl.
Hugs...Joni Mari
December 10, 2010 12:29 AM GMT
Hi Audrey!! Nice to meet you, hon. Everyone on this site is pretty supportive, so don't think twice, dive in.
Wishing I was in Arizona instead of ice cold Iowa,
December 10, 2010 12:37 AM GMT
Hi Audrey.
Welcome sister.
December 10, 2010 12:13 AM GMT
My name is Audrey, and I'm a 24 MTF girl in Arizona. I'm new to the internet community thing, so I'm just looking to make friends and meet some interesting people
. I'm just starting my transition in earnest this year, hoping to be full-time by this time in 2011. Feel free to message me, I like to talk