March 6, 2011 7:06 AM GMT
Personally, I find it interesting when the West even complains about "Human Rights" violations in the 2nd and 3rd World. The Germanic tribes that evolved into many of the Western nations have inflicted every sort of barbarity upon each, which peaked in WW2, then decided that they were done (much of the conflict of both WW1 and II have roots in the breakup of Charlemagne's death). Better said, the West had the Soviet Union to fight so they realized that war amongst themselves would lead to their destruction.
After these historical conflicts were 'resolved' with Hitler's defeat, only then did the West decide that they were done waring with each other.
What's interesting and incredibly narcissistic about this is two-fold:
1) The West refused to allow any colonial region, 2nd world free nation, puppet nation, etc to view much less add/modify the Human Rights treaties yet demanded the same regions to adhere to the treaties absolutely.
2) the West colonized almost all of the World, which has been proven, doesn't solve any ethnic and/or class just buries them, which makes such conflicts even more deep-seated...and in time such unresolved conflicts explode in epic violence. Not to mention that any Colonial power makes the colony in "its own image", as it destroys the local culture and instills the cultural paradigm of the governing nation
An example is the Balkans...the Turks govt. was more or less a meritocracy of warlordism, which is still present to this day (any serious study in post-colonialism will prove.
The 2nd issue, is that when we do step in (if at all) its purely based off our economic interests. For example, in the 50's Iran actually had a democratic revolt and the British, backed by us (US), squashed it and created a dictatorship instead. We know how this story ended...a theocracy. Neo-imperialism has led to far more casualties then the Nazi's death camps...I was deployed in such a region, and I'm more than happy to talk about it if need be.
3 issue:
The only region of the World who's collective culture(s) place individuality above collectivism is the West. Who the hell are we to demand any region of the world, culture, nation, or ethnicity to think and act as we do. Functional, effective, and humane governments are those that mirror the social norms of its citizens.
Basically, we the West are done playing ball so we demand the rest of the world to follow suit even though we'll offer no method for such nations to solve their internal contradictions.
March 6, 2011 11:39 AM GMT
Does our Government, or any western government realy care about the plight of your average Libyan, or any other foreign nationals, We traded arms and tanks etc, for oil, Were our governments so deluded into thinking these arms were to be used to defend the nations against invasion? Of course not! We know it was to keep the people of these countries subjugated and maintain the status quo. better the oil from the devil you know than an unknown factor.
So aiding and abetting the slaughter of civilians by the Gadaffi regime. albeit they are rioting and attempting to overthrow a despot regime, are we not complicit in said war crimes?
Now we sit on the sidelines, basically waiting to suck up to the winner. If we do send in the troops, it will not be to defend the human rights of the masses, it will be to ensure stability and the continuing flow of oil. Every countries economy depends on the price of oil. What you see happening in Tunisia, Egypt and Libya has a knock on effect and could cause the downfall of a lot of western economies and governments.
The tax, duty and VAT on UK oil/petrol regardless of what people think, does affect none taxed essentials like food, it increases production costs, packaging, transport of goods. The basic costs of utilities, water, gas electricity telecoms. getting to and from work. Resulting in a snowballing effect even affecting care costs and hospital treatments.
Most of these foreign dictators got into power through the ministrations of western governments and were wined and dined at the UK tax payers expense. Erm didn't we supply Saddam Hussein with arms, Did'nt we supply the Taliban with arms, because we preferred to see the Afghan people kept under Taliban rule rather than let the communists take over.. How many times I wonder have our soldiers gone into battle to face British made weapons and tanks.. Its a case of how you sow your seed depends on the crop you get..
Now we hear our new government is going to maintain financial aid to countries that have links with terrorism, a sorta appeasement and look how friendly we are. (erm like wonder where the money will go,)? probably to buy arms and bombs to attacks us with and train more terrorists. But aid to realy desperate deserving countries will be cut. Now we are cutting billions from our own defense budgets, but they will still expect our brave soldiers to go into battle , like some ill equipped rag tailed band..
March 7, 2011 8:24 AM GMT
^ exactly.
However, and this is THE THOUGHT that the West can't handle, some of these alleged "evil" dictatorships were and are democractically put in power and supported by the local citizens.
Palestine and Hamas is a perfect example. The Palestinian people democratically elected Hamas in their first free election. We Americans didn't like the idea, so we threw them out. In Afghanistan the Taliban were simply the better choice when compared to the warlords (who made their money from drug sales).
In the 3rd World its never as simple as we Westerners would like to believe. There isn't a clear "good/bad guy" to support and/or blame. The point being, that these alleged evil rogue nations have nothing to do with morals but have everything to do with our cultural sensibilities and they decide, through social norms, what the definition of good and evil is. Basically even saying that a nation who's government and social paradigms conflict with ours as evil is the purest example of Eurocentric thinking which reiterates neo-imperialism.
Instead, we should let the will of the people in any country to decide what's right for them even though it may not make sense to us.