Texting Texting 123

    • 2627 posts
    July 6, 2011 2:07 AM BST

    Got a text from my sister this morning. As I was trying to reply she sent me 2 more.

    So I try to go a little faster. So many typos that there's not a real word in there. 

    So I start over & she sends 2 more wanting to know why I don't respond. 

    Now I'm trying to tell her that I'm trying. But before I can she sends another one on a different subject.

    Now I'm getting angry. So I quit & call her. I ask her why don't you just call & talk like a normal person. She said textings funner. I said it's not if idiots won't wait for you to respond. She got mad.

    So are you a good texter. My fat little fingers don't want to do it.

  • July 6, 2011 7:59 AM BST

    I'm not very fast but I use it quite a lot.  I notice a lot of teenagers wandering across busy roads with their thumbs ablaze, eyes fixed on a phone and a pair of large headphones clamped over their ears blissfully unaware of the rest of the world. 

    • 52 posts
    July 6, 2011 8:43 AM BST

    I'm the same. I am slow at it but find it useful. What annoys me is when I am out with my kids and they spend the entire time having text chats with their friends rather then actually talking to me.